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bc strata buildings

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Vancouver West, British Columbia
Strata Buildings
Strata PlanBuilding NameAddressCityStoreysUnitsManagement
EPS2409'modern' By Amacon1009 Harwood StreetVancouver BC18121FirstService Residential
VAS26131000 Beach1000 Beach AvenueVancouver BC26113Associa
VR26131000 Beach Ave1000 Beach AvenueVancouver BC26FirstService Residential
EPS28841151 Residences At Paradox Hotel1151 Georgia StreetVancouver BC67217AWM Alliance
LMS14681188 Howe1188 Howe StreetVancouver BC28AWM Alliance
LMP5571188 Howe1188 Howe StreetVancouver BC28190AWM Alliance
VAS22821212 Howe1212 Howe StreetVancouver BC18152FirstService Residential
VR22821212 Howe1212 Howe StreetVancouver BC18FirstService Residential
BCS32281241 Homer1241 Homer StreetVancouver BC612Dwell Property Management
LMS2341330 Jervis1330 Jervis StreetVancouver BC718ASSOCIA
EPP596201335 Howe1335 Howe StreetVancouver BC40RANCHO MANAGEMENT
EPS83871335 Howe1335 Howe StreetVancouver BC40Rancho Management
VAP301515 Avenue Residences1058 15 Th AvenueVancouver BC4Self Managed
EPS44691555 West Eighth1555 8th AvenueVancouver BCMacdonald Property Management
EPS645716th & Burrard Heritage3182 Burrard StreetVancouver BC312R. Jang & Associates Ltd.
EPP863321818 Alberni1818 Alberni StreetVancouver BC2154
EPP440192 Burrard1277 Hornby StreetVancouver BC36239
VAS9502015 Beach Avenue2015 Beach AvenueVancouver BC59Associa BC
EPP12895028 West731 28th AvenueVancouver BC320
BCS338633 Living33 Pender StreetVancouver BC9Pacific Dawn Management
EPS495035 Park West5033 Cambie StreetVancouver BC6183FirstService Residential
EPS426941 West677 41st AvenueVancouver BC6Quay Pacific
EPP515815656 Balaclava5656 Balaclava StreetVancouver BC579
BCS31115955 Balsam5955 Balsam StreetVancouver BC1241Colyvan Pacific Real Estate
EPP119438601 Beach601 Beach CrescentVancouver BC54TBA
BCS436766 Cordova66 Cordova StreetVancouver BC14112Kornecki real estate Service
EPS15506th & Fir1565 6th AvenueVancouver BC20Pacific Quorum
BCS4340700 West 8th2411 Heather StreetVancouver BC15Tribe Management Inc
VAS1358777777 7th AvenueVancouver BC330Bayside Property Services
VAS1023777 Burrard777 Burrard StreetVancouver BC655DWELL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
EPS82368888 Osler8888 Osler StreetVancouver BC6West Coast Property Managemen
LMS355889 Homer889 Homer StreetVancouver BC2758Korecki
EPS73738x On The Park1111 Richards StreetVancouver BC35191Quay Pacific
EPS2386999 Seymour999 Seymour StreetVancouver BC22Tribe Management
LMS2412Abbott Place233 Abbott StreetVancouver BC7Rancho
EPS1813Academy5728 Berton AvenueVancouver BC18156AWM Alliance
EPS4634Addition1133 Hornby StreetVancouver BC20164Dwell properties Management
EPS5056Adera House7228 Adera StreetVancouver BC8FirstService Residential
VAS2526Admiral Point1838 Nelson StreetVancouver BC11FirstService Residential
BCS2518Affiniti587 7th AvenueVancouver BC935Associa
LMS2744Alameda Park3235 4th AvenueVancouver BC441SD WOODMAN MANAGEMENT
EPP65845Alberni By Kengo Kuma1568 Alberni StreetVancouver BC42184FirstService Residential
EPS8902Alberni By Kengo Kuma1568 Alberni StreetVancouver BC43FirstService Residential
VAS1135Alberni Place738 Broughton StreetVancouver BC2565ALBERNI PLACE MANAGEMENT
VAS691Alder Bay Place1201 Lamey's Mill RoadVancouver BC4Tribe
VAS1045Alder Bay Place1220 6 AvenueVancouver BC413R Jang & Assoc
VR691Alder Bay Place1201 Lamey's Mill RoadVancouver BC447Tribe Management
LMS2430Alder Court1195 8th AvenueVancouver BC324KORECKI
EPS1633Alder Crossing1190 6th AvenueVancouver BC312Ascent Real Estate Management
VR2252Alder Heights1176 6th AvenueVancouver BC10CrossRoads Management Ltd.
VAS2252Alder Heights1176 6th AvenueVancouver BC10CrossRoads Mgmt. Ltd.
VAS999Alder Terraces1205 7th AvenueVancouver BC5Self Managed
LMS4540Alexandra House4625 Valley DriveVancouver BC4137FirstService Residential
VAS457Alexandra Park1236 Bidwell StreetVancouver BC1825FirstService Residential
VR457Alexandra Park1236 Bidwell StreetVancouver BC1825FirstService Residential
LMS2078Alma Court3673 11th AvenueVancouver BC413Urban Properties
EPS8025Alma House5860 Alma StreetVancouver BC
VAS922Alta Vista Court3255 Heather StreetVancouver BC313Colyvan Pacific
BCS478Altadena1238 Burrard StreetVancouver BC14104The Wynford Group
BCS3664Alto1205 Howe StreetVancouver BC15RANCHO
BCS856Alvar1005 Beach AvenueVancouver BC26106QUAY PACIFIC
EPS5725Amber633 King Edward AvenueVancouver BC531Dwell Property Management
VAS1184Anchor Point1333 Hornby StreetVancouver BC9171FirstService Residential
VR1184Anchor Point1333 Hornby StreetVancouver BC9171FirstService Residential
VAS1182Anchor Point1330 Burrard StreetVancouver BC9165Ascent
VR1182Anchor Point 11330 Burrard StreetVancouver BC9152Ascent Real Estate Management
VAS1183Anchor Point 2950 Drake StreetVancouver BC10FirstService Residential
VR1183Anchor Point 2950 Drake StreetVancouver BC10141First Service
LMS3167Andaluca1388 Nelson StreetVancouver BC442ASSOCIA BC
LMS3460Ansonia2273 12th AvenueVancouver BC687Tribe Management
EPS3952Aperture5687 Baillie StreetVancouver BC67QUAY PACIFIC
BCS1570Aqua At The Park550 Pacific StreetVancouver BC27FirstService Residential
LMS3903Aquarius189 Davie StreetVancouver BC38480FirstService Residential
LMS4255Aquarius193 Aquarius MewsVancouver BC37367Rancho
VAS1096Arbutus Court1690 Arbutus StreetVancouver BC3Pennyfarthing Management Corp
BCS162Arbutus Outlook2680 Arbutus StreetVancouver BC4Citybase Management
BCS193Arbutus Outlook2630 Arbutus StreetVancouver BC423Citybase
LMS2015Arbutus Terrace2130 12th AvenueVancouver BC330Wynford Group
VAS222Arbutus Village4101 Yew StreetVancouver BC6118604 Real Estate Services
VAS778Arbutus Village2140 Briar AvenueVancouver BC4Ascent Property Management
VR222Arbutus Village4005 Vine StreetVancouver BCAssocia
VAS146Arbutus Village2101 Mcmullen AvenueVancouver BC6DWELL
VAS563Arbutus Village4059 Arbutus StreetVancouver BC375The Wynford Group
VR146Arbutus Village2101 Mcmullen AvenueVancouver BC6Dwell Property Management
VAS452Arbutus West4442 Yew StreetVancouver BC340Royal Lepage Westside
BCS2026Argyll House East5958 Iona DriveVancouver BC42Stratawest Management Ltd
BCS1865Argyll House West6018 Iona DriveVancouver BC742KORECKI REAL ESTATE SERVICES
EPS1858Artemisia1102 Hornby StreetVancouver BC616Quay Pacific Management
5761Ascot7067 Cypress StreetVancouver BC5
LMS3242Ascot2238 40th AvenueVancouver BC917Vancouver Management Ltd
VAP5761Ascot7059 Cypress StreetVancouver BC35
EPS9616Ascot7067 Cypress StreetVancouver BC5Self Manage
VAS473Ash Court2920 Ash StreetVancouver BC449BAYSIDE PROPERTY SERVICES
VR473Ash Court2920 Ash StreetVancouver BC449BAYSIDE PROPERTY SERVICES
EPP111842Ash | 284377 Ash StreetVancouver BC12
VAS1563Ashbury Place1510 Nelson StreetVancouver BC341Associa
LMS973Ashleigh Court2121 38th AvenueVancouver BC1324604 Real Estate
LMS1106Ashly Place2829 Ash StreetVancouver BC47City Base Managment
EPS6950Aster7878 Granville StreetVancouver BCDwell Property Management
EPS4113Aston5486 Oak StreetVancouver BCCITYBASE MANAGEMENT
VR54Aston Villa3731 6th AvenueVancouver BC321Fort Park Property Management
VAS54Aston Villa3731 6th AvenueVancouver BCFort Park Property
EPP117206Astrid588 24 AvenueVancouver BC340
BCS3836Atelier833 Homer StreetVancouver BC32202Rancho Management
VAS989Atira575 13th AvenueVancouver BC18ATIRA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
VAS2105Augustine Gardens2020 8th AvenueVancouver BC460Pacific Quorum
VR2105Augustine Gardens2010 8 AvenueVancouver BC4Pacific Quorum
BCS3430Aura5437 Willow StreetVancouver BC31Citybase Management
EPP66804Autograph5005 Ash StreetVancouver BC464
EPS10064Autograph5005 Ash StreetVancouver BC464RANCHO
4757Ava6485 Manitoba StreetVancouver BC535
LMS3853Avanti3150 4th AvenueVancouver BC360Newpoint Property Management
BCS2422Avedon1468 14th AvenueVancouver BC1246TRIBE MANAGEMENT INC
EPS6841Avenue One1768 Cook StreetVancouver BC17248Rancho Management Services
EPP109389Avenue33883 33rd AvenueVancouver BC349
LMS3033Avila560 Cardero StreetVancouver BC20103FirstService Residential
BCS890Azura Ii1495 Richards StreetVancouver BC38200Rancho Management Services
BCS679Azura One1438 Richards StreetVancouver BC33Rancho
VR1613Ballentyne Square819 7th AvenueVancouver BC19R Jang and Associates
VAS1613Ballentyne Square835 7th AvenueVancouver BC419R Jang & Associates
LMS2711Balmoral5615 Hampton PlaceVancouver BC17Dwell Property Management
VAS621Balsam Corners2411 5th AvenueVancouver BC24SELF
VAS622Balsam Corners2405 5th AvenueVancouver BC4Self Managed
VAS9Balsam House5350 Balsam StreetVancouver BC624COLYVAN PACIFIC
VAS806Balsam Mews2001 Balsam StreetVancouver BC3WYNFORD GROUP
VR806Balsam Mews2001 Balsam StreetVancouver BC316Wynford Group
LMS184Balsam Place2405 BroadwayVancouver BC416QUAY PACIFIC PROPERTY MGMT.
VR434Balsam West1575 Balsam StreetVancouver BC3604 Real Estate Services Inc.
EPP102998Barclay2030 Barclay StreetVancouver BC919
VAS1104Barclay Court1127 Barclay StreetVancouver BC13Associa BC
BCS1270Barclay Estates1135 Barclay StreetVancouver BC310PACIFIC QUORUM
VAS609Barclay Square1274 Barclay StreetVancouver BC448Atira Property Management
EPS6589Basalt5058 Cambie StreetVancouver BC651RANCHO MANAGEMENT
LMS3057Bauhinia535 Nicola StreetVancouver BC25101FirstService Residential
LMS1048Baybreeze City Homes1208 Bidwell StreetVancouver BC32Korecki
BCS555Bayshore Gardens1650 Bayshore DriveVancouver BC19Stratawest Management Ltd.
BCS1820Bayshore Gardens1616 Bayshore DriveVancouver BC25Stratawest
LMS2965Bayshore Gardens1790 Bayshore DriveVancouver BC19153Stratawest Management Ltd.
LMS4025Bayshore Gardens1717 Bayshore DriveVancouver BC16100WYNFORD GROUP
LMS4658Bayshore Tower1680 Bayshore DriveVancouver BC2290Stratawest Management Ltd
VR1284Bayside Manor2407 1st AvenueVancouver BC319604 Real Estate Inc.
EPS1795Bayswater2468 Bayswater StreetVancouver BC434Dwell Property Management
EPP115955Be W 49th715 49th AvenueVancouver BC17
VAP2913Beau4170 Columbia StreetVancouver BC36
BCS1265Bel Air2828 Yew StreetVancouver BC435Associa
EPS5389Belpark7428 Alberta StreetVancouver BC5STRATA WEST
EPS3101Bennington House4080 Yukon StreetVancouver BC442R. Jang & Associates
EPP48739Bennington House4066 Yukon StreetVancouver BC442R.Jang & Assoc Ltd
VAS1750Bentley Park2210 40th AvenueVancouver BC411DORSET REALTY GROUP CANADA LTD
VAS1822Bentley Place1265 11th AvenueVancouver BC420CROSSROADS
LMS68Berkley Court863 16th AvenueVancouver BC417New Point Property Management
LMS2332Beverly Gardens511 7th AvenueVancouver BC463FirstService Residential
LMS874Bing Thom Building1550 15th AvenueVancouver BC1321Dwell
EPS3494Binning Tower3355 Binning RoadVancouver BC22217RANCHO MANAGEMENT
LMS572Birch Gardens1318 6th AvenueVancouver BC320Self Managed
VAS1122Birch Gardens1263 8th AvenueVancouver BC18
VAS2542Birchview Terrace633 16th AvenueVancouver BC332FIRST SERVICE
VR2542Birchview Terrace633 16th AvenueVancouver BC332FirstService
BCS2736Black Swan2008 Bayswater StreetVancouver BC4TML MANAGEMENT GROUP LTD
VAS1457Blenheim Place3301 16th AvenueVancouver BC10Self managed
LMS3987Blenheim Terrace3333 4th AvenueVancouver BC450Colyvan Pacific
LMS2992Bloomfield Gardens5650 Oak StreetVancouver BC4Pacific Quorum
EPP96078Boden988 52nd AvenueVancouver BC
EPP96708Boden990 52nd AvenueVancouver BC
BCS1849Bohemia690 6th AvenueVancouver BC344Rancho Property Management
LMS2526Bollert Place2588 Alder StreetVancouver BC429Ascent Real Estate Mg Corp
EPS7196Boulevard3255 King Edward AvenueVancouver BC1Self Managed
LMS801Bourbon Court1940 Barclay StreetVancouver BC328Dwell
BCS2186Bowman Lofts528 Beatty StreetVancouver BC1139Rancho Management Services
BCS1235Boxwood Green840 6th AvenueVancouver BCMetroWest
BCS1172Brava1199 Seymour StreetVancouver BC27420Associa British Columbia
LMS4059Bridgewater3171 4th AvenueVancouver BC440DWELL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
VAS2254Brighton Court1465 Comox StreetVancouver BC4ASSOCIA
BCS2937Brillia3839 4th AvenueVancouver BC430AA Property
BCS3818Brook181 1st AvenueVancouver BC14Ascent Real Estate Management
LMS714Broughton Court1012 Broughton StreetVancouver BC3Fort Park
VAS1181Broughton Terrace1080 Broughton StreetVancouver BC475Korecki Real Estate Services
VAS68Bryanston Court2040 Cornwall AvenueVancouver BC3PACIFIC QUORUM
EPS10746Buck Residence2403 37th AvenueVancouver BC4Self Managed
2977Buck Residences2401 37th AvenueVancouver BC14Self Managed
VAP2977Buck Residences2401 37th AvenueVancouver BC34Self Managed
EPS10324Butterfly1033 Nelson StreetVancouver BC57331Duka Property Management
VAS978Californian1080 Pacific StreetVancouver BC7Quay Pacific
BCS1073Callisto1281 Cordova StreetVancouver BC35126Wynford
VAS1939Cambie88 16th AvenueVancouver BC24Self Managed
1269Cambie968 17th AvenueVancouver BC
EPS1923Cambie + 7th538 7th AvenueVancouver BCRancho Management
EPS6699Cambie + King Edward528 King Edward AvenueVancouver BC67FirstService Residential
EPS8413Cambie Gardens7433 Cambie StreetVancouver BC28AWM
EPP86464Cambie Gardens7433 Cambie StreetVancouver BC28RANCHO
VAS449Cambie Square460 16th AvenueVancouver BC231
VR449Cambie Square460 16th AvenueVancouver BC2C&C PROPERTY GROUP LTD
EPS4409Cambie Star4083 Cambie StreetVancouver BC8DWELL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
VAS2156Cambie Village592 16th AvenueVancouver BC316Self Managed
EPS2697Cambria6677 Cambie StreetVancouver BC6126Wynford Group
EPS4434Cambria Park6933 Cambie StreetVancouver BC6Strataco Management Ltd
LMS1109Cambridge Court2628 Long Life PlaceVancouver BC492Wynford Group
VAS2443Cambridge Gardens2668 Ash StreetVancouver BC19THE WYNFORD GROUP
VR2443Cambridge Gardens2628 Ash StreetVancouver BC19177The Winford Group
EPS4766Cambridge Mews1507 59th AvenueVancouver BC36Red Door Property Management
VAS1428Cambridge Place555 14th AvenueVancouver BC3RANCHO MGMT
EPS7612Camellia6733 Cambie StreetVancouver BC6Citybase Management Ltd
BCS3321Camera1683 8th AvenueVancouver BC1077The Wynford Group
LMS275Camosun Gate3189 Camosun StreetVancouver BC320604 Real Estate Services
BCS3862Canada House181 Athletes WayVancouver BC12AWM Alliance
LMS4157Canadian1068 Hornby StreetVancouver BC32229FirstService Residential
BCS3183Canvas2188 8th AvenueVancouver BCTribe Management Inc.
BCS3995Capital Residence833 Seymour StreetVancouver BC43FirstService Residential
LMS4091Cararra By Portico1485 6th AvenueVancouver BC12215Tribe Management
EPS6655Cardero620 Cardero StreetVancouver BC26AWM ALLIANCE
NWDCardero620 Cardero StreetVancouver BC26
EPS56655Cardero620 Cardero StreetVancouver BC26
VAS390Carlton Towers5555 Yew StreetVancouver BC1112604 Real Estate Services
VAS2213Carlyle1060 Alberni StreetVancouver BC21Dwell Property Management
VAS2783Carmel Place1959 2nd AvenueVancouver BC49
VAS684Caroline Court936 Bute StreetVancouver BC518Korecki Real Estate Services
LMS4091DLCarrara Of Portico1485 6th AvenueVancouver BC11211Pacific Quorum
VAS241Carriage House2445 3rd AvenueVancouver BC1164Wynford Group
VR241Carriage House2445 3 AvenueVancouver BC1164The Wynford Group
BCS3353Carrington6129 Oak StreetVancouver BCRed Door Management Corp.
EPS2412Cartier House@shannon Wall Ctr1512 Atlas LaneVancouver BC5THE WYNFORD GROUP
LMS770Casa Rosa1818 Robson StreetVancouver BC9Associa
VAS1874Casablanca888 13th AvenueVancouver BC435Stratawest Management Ltd.
VR1874Casablanca888 13th AvenueVancouver BC35Stratawest Management LTD
VAS1298Castle Garden3626 28th AvenueVancouver BC321Royal Lepage Westside
VAS2747Cavendish Court5890 Balsam StreetVancouver BC10R. Jang & Associates
VR2747Cavendish Court5890 Balsam StreetVancouver BC1010R. Jang & Associates
EPS7731Cedar Walk5410 Shortcut RoadVancouver BC18Dorset Realty Group
LMS2305Centro138 6th AvenueVancouver BC422Metrowest
VAS839Century House2370 2nd AvenueVancouver BC1397The Wynford Group
VR839Century House2370 2nd AvenueVancouver BC1397Wynford Group
VAS2692Century Tower789 Drake StreetVancouver BC19121Quay Pacific Management
BCS2324Chancellor Hall5989 Iona DriveVancouver BC542Dorset Realty Group
BCS1228Chancellor House6018 Chancellor MewsVancouver BC549FirstService Residential
BCS1288Chancellor House6015 Iona DriveVancouver BC5FirstService Residential
VAS1215Chancery Place847 Hornby StreetVancouver BC9Fort Park Property Management
VAS1832Charlotte Gardens1525 Pendrell StreetVancouver BC433Ascent
EPS8240Chateau8377 French StreetVancouver BC4
LMS280Chateau Comox1272 Comox StreetVancouver BC821terling Management Serv. Ltd
BCS2436Chaucer Hall2250 Wesbrook MallVancouver BC4ASSOCIA
EPS5780Chelsea4685 Cambie StreetVancouver BC679Tribe Management
LMS4304Chelsea5723 Collingwood StreetVancouver BC4Bayside Property Services Ltd
VAS2209Chelsea Court5389 Vine StreetVancouver BCNAI Goddard & Smith
VAS1047Chelsea Terrace1040 Pacific StreetVancouver BC9112ASSOCIA
VR1047Chelsea Terrace1040 Pacific StreetVancouver BC9Associa BC
EPP91453Chloé Kerrisdale2096 47th AvenueVancouver BC446
BCS1510Choklit Park1176 7th AvenueVancouver BC3Self Managed
BCS449Churchill Gardens928 Westbury WalkVancouver BC4The Wynford Group
EPS4419Churcill190 63rd AvenueVancouver BC418Citybase Management
EPS6118Château Laurier1009 Laurier AvenueVancouver BCAssocia BC
BCS2555Cielo1205 Hastings StreetVancouver BC32TRIBE MGT INC.
EPS3524Citti238 BroadwayVancouver BC9Rancho Management
LMS1114City Crest1155 Homer StreetVancouver BC29145FirstService Residential
LMS474City Gardens1268 BroadwayVancouver BC14Korecki Real Estate Services
LMS2063City Hall46 12th AvenueVancouver BC4Self managed
VAS1623City Pointe1053 Nicola StreetVancouver BC38Self Managed
VAS2769Claridge5850 Balsam StreetVancouver BC1221Royal Lepage Westside
EPP115218Claridge House485 42nd AvenueVancouver BC0133AWM - Alliance R. E. Group Ltd
EPP1152Claridge House485 42nd AvenueVancouver BC133AWM - Alliance R. E. Group Ltd
BCS460Classico1328 Pender StreetVancouver BC38Korecki
BCS1966Clements Green6268 Eagles DriveVancouver BC455PACIFIC DAWN ASSET & PROPERTY
BCS3082Coco1088 14th AvenueVancouver BC1242DWELL
EPS7269Coco5733 Alberta StreetVancouver BC657Dorest Realty
EPP77607Coco Oakridge5733 Alberta StreetVancouver BC6DORSET REALTY GROUP CANADA LTD
VR1465Colonial Arms8680 Fremlin StreetVancouver BC344Fort Park Property Management
VAP2354Columbia Residences3232 Columbia StreetVancouver BC25
EPS10384Columbia Residences3232 Columbia StreetVancouver BC25
VAS2207Colyvan Pacific2245 Heather StreetVancouver BC340COLYVAN PACIFIC
BCS4182Comox & Cardero1060 Cardero StreetVancouver BCSelf Managed
BCS3830Compass129 1st AvenueVancouver BC8Ascent Management
LMS2179Concordia 1199 Drake StreetVancouver BC1796FirstService Residential
LMS2259Concordia 2139 Drake StreetVancouver BC2182FristService Residential
EPS3283Concrete Residence6383 Cambie StreetVancouver BC863AA Property Management
LMS2371Conference Plaza438 Seymour StreetVancouver BC30252Rancho Management
LMS2476Connaught2268 12th AvenueVancouver BC430Dwell Property Management
VAS185Connaught Court2121 6th AvenueVancouver BC343DWELL
6011Connaught Court4987 Connaught DriveVancouver BC36FirstService Residential
VAS2820Connaught Estates628 13th AvenueVancouver BC471Dwell Property Management
VR2642Connaught Gardens628 12th AvenueVancouver BC456DWELL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
VAS2642Connaught Gardens688 12th AvenueVancouver BC456Dwell Property Managment
VAS2728Connaught Place2128 43rd AvenueVancouver BC12Royal Lepage Westside
LMS3886Connaught Place2628 Yew StreetVancouver BC458PACIFIC QUORUM PROPERTIES
LMS265Connaught Point2288 12th AvenueVancouver BC446Associa British Columbia, Inc.
EPS9640Conservatory5608 Berton AvenueVancouver BC20AWM Alliance Management
EPS6982Contessa5189 Cambie StreetVancouver BC6134Rancho Management Service LTD
BCS3127Cooper's Lookout33 Smithe StreetVancouver BC35Rancho Management Services Ltd
BCS2646Cooper's Pointe980 Cooperage WayVancouver BC1886FirstService Residential
LMS981Coral Court907 Beach AvenueVancouver BC23108Pacifica First Mgmt Ltd
LMS1785Coral Court3638 BroadwayVancouver BC4R. Jang & Associates
LMS175Cornwall Terrace2160 Cornwall AvenueVancouver BC423Royal Lepage Westside
BCS2637Corus5989 Walter Gage RoadVancouver BC61ASSOCIA
BCS4387Cosmo161 Georgia StreetVancouver BC24253Rancho Management
EPS5510Craftsman Collection3181 Alberta StreetVancouver BC24SELF MANAGEMENT
VAS466Creek Village693 Moberly RoadVancouver BC256COLYVAN PACIFIC
VAS491Creekville Terrace1155 7th AvenueVancouver BC420DWELL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
LMS2781Crestmark Ii1228 Marinaside CrescentVancouver BC22136Rancho
VR101Crestview Manor1844 7th AvenueVancouver BC344Colyvan Pacific
BCS3307Cross Roads522 8th AvenueVancouver BC888DWELL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
BCS1660Crystal Court2965 Fir StreetVancouver BC1231West Coast Property Management
VAS2100Crystallis1020 Harwood StreetVancouver BC25WYNFORD GROUP
EPS3193Cypress Mews2565 Cypress StreetVancouver BC4Fort Park Property Management
VAS1219Cypress Mews1728 Cypress StreetVancouver BC36ASSOCIA BRITISH COLUMBIA, INC
VAS122Cypress Place Estates2424 Cypress StreetVancouver BC327ASSOCIA BRITISH COLUMBIA INC.
VAS464Cypress West1425 Cypress StreetVancouver BC3KORECKI
BCS1749Cypress Woods1919 12th AvenueVancouver BC34Self Managed
EPP118341Dahlia540 29th AvenueVancouver BC
LMS2602Davenport Lane2755 Maple StreetVancouver BC438ASSOCIA
LMS2146Del Prado1155 Mainland StreetVancouver BC635Rancho Management
LMS2419Delano3083 4th AvenueVancouver BC4Colyvan Pacific Property
BCS525Denia499 Broughton StreetVancouver BCStratawest
VAS1526Devon Court1855 Vine StreetVancouver BC5Self Managed
LMS49Devon Gate1788 Georgia StreetVancouver BC1427Korecki Real Estate Services
BCS536Devonshire House2083 33rd AvenueVancouver BC4FirstService Residential
EPS9922Devonshire Residences1226 26th AvenueVancouver BC36Self Managed
LMS216Diamond Robinson1438 7th AvenueVancouver BC1040New Point PM
VAS1436Discovery Quay522 Moberly RoadVancouver BC1094FirstService Residential
LMS4580Dockside1478 Hastings StreetVancouver BC7TRIBE MANAGEMENT
BCS528Domus1055 Homer StreetVancouver BC2526The Wynford Group
BCS3395Donovan1055 Richards StreetVancouver BC18152RANCHO
LMS1402Dorchester Pines1686 13th AvenueVancouver BC1119Pacifica First
VAS2681Dorchester Tower1265 Barclay StreetVancouver BC1136Associa
VAS55Dorset House2469 Cornwall AvenueVancouver BC335New Point Property Management
VAS1554Dover Pointe795 8th AvenueVancouver BC336Pacific Quorom
EPP86999Duet - Broadway And Spruce2501 Spruce StreetVancouver BC1038
EPP8699Duet Broadway And Spruce2501 Spruce StreetVancouver BC38
BCS2414Duke On Dunbar3595 18th AvenueVancouver BC423604 Real Estate Services
LMP10635Dunbar At 39th3636 39th AvenueVancouver BC429AWM ALLIANCE
EPS8984Dunbar At 39th3636 39th AvenueVancouver BC429AWM Alliance
LMS2798Dunbar Heights3590 26th AvenueVancouver BC4Associa BC
LMS409Dunbar House3621 26th AvenueVancouver BC433STRATA WEST
EPS3033Dunbar Village5555 Dunbar StreetVancouver BC433Dwell Property Management
EPS10584Dwell On Larch5280 Larch StreetVancouver BC35Self Managed
VAS1144Edgemont Place1665 Nelson StreetVancouver BC620Ascent
VAS1673Edgewater650 Moberly RoadVancouver BC420Sutton Select Prop Management
EPS4442Edward288 King Edward AvenueVancouver BC455Tribe
LMS3215Eight.One.Nine By Bosa819 Hamilton StreetVancouver BC14154Dwell Property Management
EPS9452Eila On W496531 Fremlin StreetVancouver BC223Citybase
EPP96128Eila On W49908 49th AvenueVancouver BC3Citybase
VAS50El Burrardo2770 Burrard StreetVancouver BC324DORSET REALTY
VAP12143El-Cid1850 Comox StreetVancouver BC26Sheridan Investments
LMS1866Electra989 Nelson StreetVancouver BC21Tribe Management Inc
BCS1433Electric Ave938 Smithe StreetVancouver BC24FirstService Residential
BCS731Elements2515 Ontario StreetVancouver BC581dwell property managemnt
LMS1153Eleven Eleven Haro1111 Haro StreetVancouver BC1561FirstService Residential
EPS5567Eleven West2689 Maple StreetVancouver BC7Ascent Real Estate Management
EPS1622Elizabeth4867 Cambie StreetVancouver BC5Dwell
EPS3267Ellis2095 44th AvenueVancouver BC4MACDONALD REALTY
LMS3103Elm Park Place5700 Larch StreetVancouver BC7Stratawest Management
EPP84444Elm415686 Larch StreetVancouver BC
VAS1581Emerald Court877 7th AvenueVancouver BC30C & C Property Group
VAS2674Emerald West717 Jervis StreetVancouver BC31100Macdonald Commercial
VR2674Emerald West717 Jervis StreetVancouver BC3195Macdonld Commercial P.M
VAS2131Emperor925 15th AvenueVancouver BC320ASSOCIA BRITISH COLUMBIA INC.
EPS3127Empire At Qe Park508 29th AvenueVancouver BC6160RANCHO
EPP127490Enzo Townhomes530 59 AvenueVancouver BC320
EPS4489Epic At West1788 Columbia StreetVancouver BC16RANCHO MANAGEMENT SERVICES
VAS186Era950 7th AvenueVancouver BC36Self Managed
LMS4650Escala323 Jervis StreetVancouver BC29FirstService Residential
BCS3437Espana188 Keefer PlaceVancouver BC39Pacific Quorum
EPS5421Eton3487 Binning RoadVancouver BC20FIRST SERVICE
VR2689Eugenia Place1919 Beach AvenueVancouver BC1817ASSOCIA BRITISH COLUMBIA INC.
VAS2689Eugenia Place1919 Beach AvenueVancouver BC1817ASSOCIA BRITISH COLUMBIA INC.
LMS4071Europa63 Keefer PlaceVancouver BC27191Wynford Group
EPS5301Eventide1460 Bute StreetVancouver BC43
BCP30252Exeter Hall6036 Gray AvenueVancouver BC16223Rancho Management Services
BCS3699Faimront Pacific Rim1011 Cordova StreetVancouver BC46TRIBE MANAGEMENT
LMS1751Fairchild Court688 Fairchild RoadVancouver BC4113Associa BC
LMS1389Fairview874 6th AvenueVancouver BC3SELF MANAGED
VR2289Fairview Court3037 Laurel StreetVancouver BCAssertive Northwest
VAS542Fairview Gardens2885 Spruce StreetVancouver BC4Dwell Property Management
VR542Fairview Gardens2885 Spruce StreetVancouver BC440Dwell
VAS179Fairview One1129 8th AvenueVancouver BCSelf Managed
VAS1280Fairview Place1100 6th AvenueVancouver BC232DWell Property Management
VAS1600Fairview Point1290 8th AvenueVancouver BC18Colyvan Pacific
VAS1120Fairview Village1340 7th AvenueVancouver BC278NAI GODDARD AND SMITH
EPS1218False Creek Living89 2nd AvenueVancouver BC16AssociaFloor Measurements are
VAS807False Creek Terrace1070 7th AvenueVancouver BC16R Jang Associates
VAS1862Fifteen Oaks965 15th AvenueVancouver BC418TRIBE MANAGEMENT
EPP80099Fifteenfifteen1515 Alberni StreetVancouver BC42190AWM-Alliance Real Estate Group
VAS2844Fiona Court1345 Burnaby StreetVancouver BC717R Jang & Associates
LMS1501Fircrest Gardens1633 8th AvenueVancouver BC1274NEW POINT MANAGEMENT
BCS2313Firenze Ii688 Abbott StreetVancouver BC31Pacific Quorum
BCS3286First1808 1st AvenueVancouver BC6ASSOCIA BRITISH COLUMBIA INC.
BCS4360First Avenue Mews2437 1st AvenueVancouver BC5Rancho Management
VAS1322Five-Fifty550 Beatty StreetVancouver BC736AWM Alliance
BCS3202Flagship8 Smithe MewsVancouver BC28245STRATA WEST
BCS3178Flat Iron1277 Melville StreetVancouver BC2852Tribe Management
EPS3099Flora5436 Oak StreetVancouver BCCITYBASE MANAGEMENT
BCS2142Folio By Intracorp5952 Chancellor MewsVancouver BC4DORSET REALTY GROUP
LMS2586Fortune House1010 Howe StreetVancouver BC11130FirstService Residential
VAS1112Fountain Terrace1477 Fountain WayVancouver BC6CrossRoads Management Ltd.
VR1112Fountain Terrace1477 Fountain WayVancouver BC6Cross Roads Management
BCS1903Freesia555 Helmcken StreetVancouver BC22175RANCHO MANAGEMENT
VAS1465Fremlin Gardens8680 Fremlin StreetVancouver BC344Fort Park
BCS386Fusion828 Cardero StreetVancouver BC535Pacific Quorum Properties
LMS3970Galileo On Robson822 Homer StreetVancouver BC16118FirstService Residential
VAS1720Galleria1210 8th AvenueVancouver BC475FirstService Residential
VAS1542Galleria1082 8th AvenueVancouver BC435Riverwest Realty
BCS2286Galleria5692 Kings RoadVancouver BC471ASSOCIA
BCS552Gallery1010 Richards StreetVancouver BC24185Dwell Property Management
BCS3647Garage12 Water StreetVancouver BC61SD WOODMAN
LMS3729Genesis1189 Howe StreetVancouver BC29Wynford
BCS152George1420 Georgia StreetVancouver BC23FirstService Residential
VAS1395Gilford Court1125 Gilford StreetVancouver BC444Atira
VR1203Gilford Mews1019 Gilford StreetVancouver BC15Goldstream Properties Ltd.
VAS1514Gilford Park828 Gilford StreetVancouver BC318Associa BC
BCS2077Glenlloyd Park5725 Agronomy RoadVancouver BC4ASCENT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
LMS1725Governor1338 Homer StreetVancouver BC32237FirstService Residential
VR2160Governor Point2189 42nd AvenueVancouver BC1349Royal LePage
VAS2160Governor Point2189 42nd AvenueVancouver BC13Royal LePage
115260Grace639 30th AvenueVancouver BC43
EPS10462Grace4585 Ash StreetVancouver BC43Associa British Columbia, Inc
VAS1680Grace Estate676 26th AvenueVancouver BC240Colyvan Pacific
VR1680Grace Estate4250 Heather StreetVancouver BC240Colyvan
BCS747Grace Residences1280 Richards StreetVancouver BC3248Quay Pacific
LMS1005Grand Heather Gardens2438 Heather StreetVancouver BC525NEW POINT PROPERTY MGMT LTD.
BCS3651Grand On Oak5957 Oak StreetVancouver BC3Bayside Property Services Ltd
EPS4182Granville & 59th1487 59th AvenueVancouver BCFIRST SERVICE RESIDENCIAL
EPS2354Granville At 70th8488 Cornish StreetVancouver BC994ASCENT REAL ESTATE MANAGMENT
EPS2353Granville At 70th8588 Cornish StreetVancouver BC15Associa BC (Craig Rumsby)
EPS2004Granville At 70th- South Tower8555 Granville StreetVancouver BC22Tribe Management
VAS208Granville Gardens1616 13th AvenueVancouver BC1028Dwell properties
VAS1521Granville Island Village1365 4th AvenueVancouver BC4FirstService Residential
VR1521Granville Island Village1345 4th AvenueVancouver BC4146FirstService Residential
LMS3669Granville Mansion1503 66th AvenueVancouver BC4Pacific Quorum Properties Inc.
BCS4377Granville Mews1481 Tilney MewsVancouver BC35Ascent Real Estate Management
EPS5252Grayson489 26th AvenueVancouver BC5RANCHO
BCS849Greenshields345 Water StreetVancouver BC424Dwell Property Management
LMS4180Greenwich1858 5th AvenueVancouver BC4TRIBE
LMS3198Greenwich Place1226 Hamilton StreetVancouver BC617QUAY PACIFIC
VAS734Greer West1853 Greer AvenueVancouver BC25Self Managed
LMS1979Gryphon Court1562 5th AvenueVancouver BC423Ascent
EPP76030Gryphon House2105 46th AvenueVancouver BC5
EPP78399Gryphon Nova989 67th AvenueVancouver BC943
VAS1735Gulf View Court8772 Marine DriveVancouver BC4Crossroads Management
BCS3027H&H1133 Homer StreetVancouver BC16190Dwell Property Management
BCS1746Hamlin Mews5388 Oak StreetVancouver BC3DORSET REALTY GROUP
VAS220Hampstead House1157 Nelson StreetVancouver BC426Dwell Mgmt
EPP102911Hampton Court1219 Wolfe AvenueVancouver BC27Citybase Management Ltd.
EPS9241Hampton Court1211 16th AvenueVancouver BC27COLYVAN PACIFIC
BCS213Hansdowne Row2142 8th AvenueVancouver BC20FirstService Residential
VR1291Harbour Cove1470 Pennyfarthing DriveVancouver BC10304The Wynford Group
VAS1291Harbour Cove1450 Pennyfarthing DriveVancouver BC13304Wynford
VAS1157Harbour Terrace1425 Lamey's Mill RoadVancouver BC858FirstService Residential
VR1157Harbour Terrace1425 Lamey's Mill RoadVancouver BC858First Service Residencial
LMS2064Harbourside Park Ii555 Jervis StreetVancouver BC26FirstService Residential
VAS406Haro Glen1717 Haro StreetVancouver BC425FirstService Residential/Self
VAS1351Harwood Manor1133 Harwood StreetVancouver BC622Stratawest Management LTD
VR1351Harwood Manor1133 Harwood StreetVancouver BC6Stratawest Management
VAS1382Harwood Terrace1232 Harwood StreetVancouver BC522Self managed
EPS6514Hawthorne4988 Cambie StreetVancouver BC744Rancho Property Management
EPP64244Hawthorne4988 Cambie StreetVancouver BC744RANCHO MANAGEMENT SERVICES
LMS3951Hawthorne House988 54th AvenueVancouver BC431Korecki Real Estate Services
BCS1419Hawthorne Place6218 Logan LaneVancouver BC461Strata West
LMS3667Hazelton Court6237 West BoulevardVancouver BC4New Point Property Management
EPS6717Heather & 17th717 17th AvenueVancouver BC418CENTURY 21 PRUDENTIAL ESTATES
VAS340Heather Court2888 Heather StreetVancouver BC27Self- Managed
VAS1717Heather Park704 W. 7th AvenueVancouver BC324604 Real Estate Services
VAS419Heather Point815 SawcutVancouver BC348Ascent Management
VAS781Heatherfield674 17th AvenueVancouver BC423WYNFORD GROUP
DL472Heatherstone3278 Heather StreetVancouver BC465Dwell Property Management
BCS1385Heatherview696 16th AvenueVancouver BC39Associa
LMS4176Hemingway538 45th AvenueVancouver BC4Associa
VAS1408Hempsetead Manor1655 Nelson StreetVancouver BC4Fort Park
VR1408Hempstead Manor1655 Nelson StreetVancouver BC475Fort Park Property Management
VAS2646Henley Court525 Wheelhouse SquareVancouver BC483Dwell Property Management
VAS2118Henley Park2250 3rd AvenueVancouver BC440Korecki Real Estate Services
VAS2709Hennessy House1633 10th AvenueVancouver BC1226Ascent Management
EPS6182Henry5385 Cambie StreetVancouver BC6AWM Alliance
VAS2538Heritage At Cypress1860 6th AvenueVancouver BC472Stratawest Management Ldt.
VR2538Heritage At Cypress1870 6th AvenueVancouver BC372Stratawest Management
LMS3158Heritage Court2838 Birch StreetVancouver BC1011Pacific First management
EPS8531Heritage Cypress1772 Cypress StreetVancouver BC6Riverwest Property Management
VAS181Heritage House1640 11th AvenueVancouver BC318C & C PROPERTY GROUP
BCS4225Heritage On 12th1846 12th AvenueVancouver BC34SELF MANAGED
BCS498High Street3580 41st AvenueVancouver BC4COLYVAN PACIFIC
BCS93Highbury House3637 17th AvenueVancouver BCS.D. Woodman Management Ltd.
VR2405Highbury Place3720 8th AvenueVancouver BC417Strataco
EPS3114Highbury Residences1981 Highbury StreetVancouver BC36ROYAL LEPAGE WESTSIDE
VAS196Hillman Court1649 Comox StreetVancouver BC414Self Managed
VAS1681Hornby Court1330 Hornby StreetVancouver BC1185Dwell Property Management
BCS2044Hudson610 Granville StreetVancouver BC33423Macdonald Commercial
EPS8925Hudson 87305 Hudson StreetVancouver BC46Royal Lepage
BCS1536Hudson Mews8915 Hudson StreetVancouver BC419Citybase Management
VAP9414Hudson87307 Hudson StreetVancouver BC6
VR198Huntington Place1816 Haro StreetVancouver BC22120Baywest
VAS198Huntington Place1816 Haro StreetVancouver BC22137Assertive Northwest Property
VAS1902Huntington West1995 Beach AvenueVancouver BC1952Associa British Columbia
VR1902Huntington West1995 Beach AvenueVancouver BC2053Associa
VAS90Hycroft Towers1445 Marpole AvenueVancouver BC8158FirstService Residential
LMS3940Iliad1245 Homer StreetVancouver BC11Associa
LMS1631Imperial Tower811 Helmcken StreetVancouver BC20132604 Real Estate Services
EPS3178Intracorp West 62nd Townhomes234 62nd AvenueVancouver BC3DWELL
BCS4338Iron & Whyte4355 10th AvenueVancouver BC432DWELL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
VAS2535Island Cove1515 2nd AvenueVancouver BC8The Wynford Group
VR2535Island Cove1515 2nd AvenueVancouver BC860WYNFORD PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
VAP128772Italia2323 Fir StreetVancouver BC1147
VAP12872Italia2323 Fir StreetVancouver BC1147CityBase Management Ltd.
EPS6944Ivy On The Park5629 Birney AvenueVancouver BC22226Rancho Property Management
VAS2360Jade3270 4th AvenueVancouver BC4COLOSSEUM
BCS4006Jameson House838 Hastings StreetVancouver BC36138Macdonald Property Mgmt.
LMS1716Jardine's Lookout867 Hamilton Street StreetVancouver BC29127Rancho Management
VAS381Jericho House3680 7th AvenueVancouver BC425New Point Property Management
VAS2846Jervis Court789 Jervis StreetVancouver BC1239CENTURY 21 PRUDENTIAL ESTATES
VR1848Jervis Manor1050 Jervis StreetVancouver BC425R.Jang & Associates
VAS1848Jervis Manor1050 Jervis StreetVancouver BC425R. Jang & Associates
EPP72988Joie2366 Birch StreetVancouver BC321
BCS973Journey6328 Larkin DriveVancouver BC480The Wyndford Group
VAS1356Julia Court1406 Harwood StreetVancouver BC620Dwell Property Management
EPS8378Just West86 King Edward AvenueVancouver BC3WYNFORD
EPP92876Just West46 W King Edward AvenueVancouver BC351Wynford
EPS7854Kai Kistilano2123 7th AvenueVancouver BC3Associa BC
VAS34Katrina Court2033 7th AvenueVancouver BC3BAYSIDE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
BCS3859Kayak1633 Ontario StreetVancouver BC11FirstService Residential
BCS1171Keats Hall2280 Wesbrook MallVancouver BC492Strata West
BCS2822Keenleyside Ubc5788 Birney AvenueVancouver BC4StrataWest
VAS1764Kelvin Court1042 Nelson StreetVancouver BC626Real Estate Services
VAS223Kensington Place1386 Nicola StreetVancouver BC622Atira Property Management
VAS1819Kenwood Court1220 Barclay StreetVancouver BC626Korecki Real Estate Services
EPS2454Kerrisdale Gardens2128 40th AvenueVancouver BC434Macdonald commercial
VAS2835Kerrisdale Parc2288 40th AvenueVancouver BC1227KORECKI
LMS2532Kerrisdale Place5723 Balsam StreetVancouver BC4REMI Realty Inc.
VAS94Killarney Manor2890 Point Grey RoadVancouver BC460THE WYNFORD GROUP
VRS94Killarney Manor2890 Point Grey RoadVancouver BC460Wynford group
EPP113857King & Columbia ( Phase 1 )187 King Edward Ave StreetVancouver BC14
EPP116069King & Columbia (Phase 2)163 King Edward AvenueVancouver BC14
EPS3559King Edward Green4088 Ash StreetVancouver BC18Ascent Property Management
BCS1589Kings Landing428 Beach CrescentVancouver BC29Strata West
VAS1001Kingston Gardens1935 1st AvenueVancouver BC427Associa British Columbia
LMS4165Kingswood1596 14th AvenueVancouver BCStrata West
EPP93061Kinsley471 West 28th AvenueVancouver BC50
VAS623Kit Point House1309 Maple StreetVancouver BC32Self managed
VAS392Kit's Point1450 Laburnum StreetVancouver BC333NAI Goddard and Smith
VR392Kit's Point1450 Laburnum StreetVancouver BC333NAI Goddard and Smith
EPS808Kits 3601777 7th AvenueVancouver BC11259Rencho Management
EPP121928Kits Heights3538 14th AvenueVancouver BC32Self Managed
EPS10325Kits Heights3538 14th AvenueVancouver BC22Self Managed
VR2581Kits Monterey1820 3rd AvenueVancouver BC21129QUAY PACIFIC
VAS2744Kits Point1802 Mcnicoll AvenueVancouver BC33SELF MANAGED
LMS4038Kits Point1917 Whyte AvenueVancouver BC2Self Managed
LMS4331Kits Point2053 Whyte AvenueVancouver BC2
VAS1164Kits Point1818 Whyte AvenueVancouver BC32
VAS556Kits Point1939 Creelman AvenueVancouver BC32Self Managed
VR1903Kits Point1346 Laburnum StreetVancouver BC
VAS1174Kits Point1944 Mcnicoll AvenueVancouver BC
VR556Kits Pointe1937 Creelman AvenueVancouver BC
VAS2754Kits West3656 8th AvenueVancouver BC32SELF MANAGED
VAS2029Kitsilano1903 14th AvenueVancouver BC34Self managed
LMS3118Kitsilano2186 15th AvenueVancouver BC32Self Managed
BCS3464Kitsilano2115 Macdonald StreetVancouver BC2Self Managed
EPS1696Kitswest2858 4th AvenueVancouver BC456FIRST SERVICE
BCS3603Koi850 8th AvenueVancouver BC38Rancho Management
BCS3790Kore1808 3rd AvenueVancouver BC6FirstService Residential
VAS2063Kristoff Place921 Thurlow StreetVancouver BC426Tribe
BCS1076L'aria822 Seymour StreetVancouver BC1382Rancho
BCS2835L'hermitage788 Richards StreetVancouver BC30184Associa
VAS2864La Casita5783 Balsam StreetVancouver BC4Rancho
BCS2334La Colomba1030 BroadwayVancouver BC12FirstService Residential
VAS2863La Fortuna788 8th AvenueVancouver BC319ASSOCIA
VR1542La Galleria1082 8th AvenueVancouver BC4Riverwest Realty
VAS2474La Mirada3788 8th AvenueVancouver BC440Strataco Management LTD.
VAS1863La Mirada1963 3rd AvenueVancouver BC321Associa
VR1863La Mirada1963 3rd AvenueVancouver BC321Associa
VAS1397La Mirage1230 Comox StreetVancouver BC626Bayside Property Services Ltd.
EPS2222La Vista3028 Arbutus StreetVancouver BC413Korecki
VAS738Laburnum Heights1551 11th AvenueVancouver BC335QUAY PACIFIC
VAS12Lagoon Terrace845 Chilco StreetVancouver BC16Ascent Property Mgmt
BCS2243Laguna Parkside1925 Alberni StreetVancouver BC2364STRATAWEST
LMS2995Landmark 331008 Cambie StreetVancouver BC39FirstService Residential
VAS337Landmark Caesar2935 Spruce StreetVancouver BC3SELF MANAGED
VR337Landmark Caesar2935 Spruce StreetVancouver BC320Self Managed
VAS420Landmark Grand1405 15th AvenueVancouver BC656SD Woodman
VAS249Landmark Horizon2365 3rd AvenueVancouver BC317Self Managed
VAS484Landmark Jerico3875 4th AvenueVancouver BC363Bayside Property Mgmt Services
VAS221Landmark Plaza1696 10th AvenueVancouver BC315RJang and Associates
VR443Landmark Reef2416 West 3rd AvenueVancouver BC353BAYSIDE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
VAS443Landmark Reef2416 3rd AvenueVancouver BC353Bayside Property Services
VAS253Landmark Shaughnessy1266 13th AvenueVancouver BC335604realestate
VR253Landmark Shaughnessy1266 13th AvenueVancouver BC35604 Real Estate
VAS592Landmark Southside1478 73rd AvenueVancouver BC48Self Managed
VAS352Landmark Sunset1412 14th AvenueVancouver BC421Royal Lepage
VAS519Langara Court333 Wethersfield DriveVancouver BC456Wynford
VR519Langara Court333 Wethersfield DriveVancouver BC456Wynford
VAS478Langara Estates328 Wethersfield DriveVancouver BC2178COLYVAN PACIFIC
VAS656Langara Estates Ii6574 Pinehurst DriveVancouver BC1Assertive Northwest PM Group
BCS1428Langara Green7411 Columbia StreetVancouver BC43PACIFIC QUORUM
LMS4095Larchwood5408 Larch StreetVancouver BC245Korecki Real Estate Services
EPS3930Laureates5628 Birney AvenueVancouver BC212214AWM Alliance
EPS671Laurel3088 Laurel StreetVancouver BC39Self Managed
LMS1909Laurel Bridge908 7th AvenueVancouver BC326ATIRA PROPERTY MGMT
VAS546Laurel Court870 7th AvenueVancouver BC466C & C Group Property LTD.
VR546Laurel Court870 7th AvenueVancouver BC4C&C Property Group
VR2417Laurel Mews888 16th AvenueVancouver BC317Haven Properties
BCS3609Laurel Oak930 16th AvenueVancouver BC31Century 21
LMS805Laurel Place3168 Laurel StreetVancouver BC421Korecki Real Estate Services
VAS1621Laurel Place925 10th AvenueVancouver BC344Bayside Properties Services
VAS2563Laurel Point1518 70th AvenueVancouver BC433RANCHO PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
EPS1583Lawrence House334 14th AvenueVancouver BC34self managed
VR588Leg In Boot Square666 Leg In Boot SquareVancouver BC37Ascent
VAS551Leg In Boot Square666 Leg In Boot SquareVancouver BC737ASCENT
VR551Leg In Boot Square666 Leg In Boot SquareVancouver BC737Ascent
BCS2175Legacy6333 Larkin DriveVancouver BC5Wynford Group
EPP89517Legacy On Dunbar3596 28th AvenueVancouver BC548Associa
EPS9531Legacy On Dunbar3596 28th AvenueVancouver BC548Rancho Property Management
BCS254Leslie Lane House1117 Pendrell StreetVancouver BC2Self Managed
VAP6044Leville1456 45th AvenueVancouver BC34Self Managed
EPS9730Leville1458 45th AvenueVancouver BC
LMS3695Liberte678 7th AvenueVancouver BC359Korecki Real Estate Services
EPP93062Lilibet520 28th AvenueVancouver BC
EPS10172Lilibet - Homes At Queen Elizabeth Park590 28th AvenueVancouver BC358Rancho Management Services
VAS1751Linden House1280 Nicola StreetVancouver BC3Dorset Realty
VAS2321Linwood Place2516 4th AvenueVancouver BCSelf Managed
VAS2490Live 4th2880 4th AvenueVancouver BC413Quay Pacific
VR2490Live 4th2880 4th AvenueVancouver BC413Quay Pacific
EPS3179Livingstone5115 Cambie StreetVancouver BC751FirstService Residential
BCS2850Loft 495495 6 AvenueVancouver BC740Fort Park
LMS1757London Place1177 Hornby StreetVancouver BC14143Rancho Management
LMS2879Lord Shaughnessy1011 King Edward AvenueVancouver BC4604 REAL ESTATE SERVICES INC
VAS2480Lord Young Terrace1225 Barclay StreetVancouver BC828Pacifica First Management
7334Lotus4809 Laurel StreetVancouver BC38
BCS3683Lumen1635 3rd AvenueVancouver BC5TRIBE COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT
LMS4717Lumiere1863 Alberni StreetVancouver BC18Stratawest Management LTD
EPP103898Lusa Village1508 61st AvenueVancouver BC7
BCS3272Luzon2108 12th AvenueVancouver BC313R. JANG & ASSOCIATES
EPS812Mackenzie Gardens2912 33rd AvenueVancouver BC410QUAY PACIFIC
BCS1162Maclure House4883 Maclure MewsVancouver BC4WYNFORD GROUP
LMS3457Madison2929 4th AvenueVancouver BC357FirstService Residential
EPS4805Maisonette7331 Granville StreetVancouver BC17Associa British Columbia Inc.
LMS328Manhattan West1590 8th AvenueVancouver BC1862Colyvan Pacific
VAS597Manor Gardens2320 40th AvenueVancouver BC4Dwell Property Management
BCS3541Mantra2008 Pine StreetVancouver BC573Firstservice Residential BCLtd
LMS164Maple Court1989 1st AvenueVancouver BC17GOLDSTREAM PROPERTIES LTD
VAS1259Maple Gardens1922 7th AvenueVancouver BC317Korecki
VAS205Maple Gardens2330 Maple StreetVancouver BC335Korecki
VR205Maple Gardens2330 Maple StreetVancouver BC335Korecki Real Estate Service
VAS123Maple Manor2080 Maple StreetVancouver BC333Dwell Property Management
VR123Maple Manor2080 Maple StreetVancouver BC33
VAS785Mapleview Place1990 6th AvenueVancouver BC358FirstService Residential
VAS197Maplewood Place1750 Maple StreetVancouver BC330Dwell Property Management
VR197Maplewood Place1750 Maple StreetVancouver BC30
BCS615Marguerite House Ii4759 Valley DriveVancouver BC7212Stratawest Management Ltd
VAS84Marie Court1075 13th AvenueVancouver BC10Self Managed
EPS3032Marine Gateway489 Interurban WayVancouver BC29415Tribe Management
VAS442Marine Mews1063 ScantlingsVancouver BC250Bayside Property Services Ltd.
VR1343Mariner Point1510 1st AvenueVancouver BC7wynford
VAS1343Mariner Point1508 Mariner WalkVancouver BC6143WYNFORD
VAS898Mariposa1275 7th AvenueVancouver BC314NAI Goddard & Smith
VAS588Market Hill673 Market HillVancouver BC530Colyvan Pacific
VAS160Marlboro Court1825 8th AvenueVancouver BC327Pennyfarthing Management Corp.
VR160Marlboro Court1825 8th AvenueVancouver BC3Pennyfarthing Management Co.
VAS526Marlboro Court1825 8th AvenueVancouver BC327Colyvan Pacific Prop Managmt
VAS60Marquis Manor1950 8th AvenueVancouver BC347Pacific Quorum
EPS7311Marquise469 King Edward AvenueVancouver BC658Associa BC Inc
LMS4107Marriott Pinnacle Hotel1128 Hastings StreetVancouver BC37Pinnacle Int'l Management
VAS737Marvista1214 7th AvenueVancouver BC412Fairfax Property Management
VAS1553Matthew Court1638 Matthews AvenueVancouver BC46Self Managed
VAS2472Mayfair House3769 7th AvenueVancouver BC476NEWPOINT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
EPS984Maynards Block1919 Wylie StreetVancouver BC14RANCHO MANAGEMENT
LMS1386Mayor's House328 15th AvenueVancouver BC28Self Managed
EPS3172Mc2 - North Tower8031 Nunavut LaneVancouver BC26AWM Alliance Real Estate Group
EPS3173Mc2 South Tower8131 Nunavut LaneVancouver BC33131AWM Alliance
EPS5264Mcarthur Residences1110 15th AvenueVancouver BC43
VAS2461Mccoy Manor1554 Burnaby StreetVancouver BCColyvan Pacific
EPS4440Mckinnon6333 West BoulevardVancouver BC439Quay Pacific
EPS4638Mercy2239 7th AvenueVancouver BC417ASSOCIA
LMS2721Meridian910 Beach AvenueVancouver BC868Assertive Northwest
VAS1854Meridian Court939 7th AvenueVancouver BC331ASSOCIA BC
VAS2808Meridian Cove2201 Pine StreetVancouver BC11TRIBE MANAGEMENT INC
LMS1637Metro2156 12th AvenueVancouver BC3KORECKI REAL ESTATE SERVICES
BCS2375Metroliving531 Beatty StreetVancouver BC838604 Real Estate
LMS3380Metropolis1238 Richards StreetVancouver BC28100AWM Alliance
EPS7359Mirabel1180 Broughton StreetVancouver BC18Associa
BCS682Miro1001 Richards StreetVancouver BC24182Lesa Zaverganietz
LMS2998Miro489 6th AvenueVancouver BC3QUAY PACIFIC
BCS2557Mode538 Smithe StreetVancouver BC760REMI Realty Inc
EPP62515Modus1488 Park DriveVancouver BC317
EPS4575Monarch4427 Cambie StreetVancouver BC659Rancho
LMS4383Mondrian Ii969 Richards StreetVancouver BC29Quay Pacific
VAS45Mont Charles1777 13th AvenueVancouver BC341strataco management
VR45Mont Charles1777 13th AvenueVancouver BC341Strataco Mgt.
VAS1168Montcalm Manor1160 15th AvenueVancouver BC45self managed
VAS1595Monte Carlo985 10 AvenueVancouver BC416Pacific Quorum Properties
EPS864Montgomery Townhomes950 43rd AvenueVancouver BC3Associa British Columbia Inc.
BCS1729Montreux2055 Yukon StreetVancouver BC9AWM Alliance
EPS7592Monument Kitsilano2485 Larch StreetVancouver BC424Tribe Management
LMP45404Morrisette Farmhouse3304 Mayfair AvenueVancouver BC43
EPS10285Morrisette Farmhouse3306 Mayfair AvenueVancouver BC43
LMS3689Mozaiek2287 12th AvenueVancouver BC330Dwell
LMS2686Murchies Building1216 Homer StreetVancouver BC6Korecki Real Estate Services
BCS2890Musée1690 8th AvenueVancouver BC1156Stratawest Management Ltd.
LMS2552Nautica8989 Hudson StreetVancouver BC440Pacific Quorum Properties Inc.
VAS2571Nelson Court1771 Nelson StreetVancouver BC719Korecki
EPS3052New Oak6030 Oak StreetVancouver BC19Citybase Management Ltd.
LMS731New Pointe Terrace2483 Yew StreetVancouver BC733604 Real Estate Services
VAS2112New York On York2110 York AvenueVancouver BC411Blueprint Strata Management
VR2112New York On York2110 York AvenueVancouver BC311Blueprint Strata Management
LMS4378New Yorker2655 Cranberry DriveVancouver BC7Wynford Group
VAS1191Newport Mews1870 Yew StreetVancouver BC324Self Managed
VR1191Newport Mews1870 Yew StreetVancouver BC424SELF MANAGED
VAS1632Newport Quay518 Moberly RoadVancouver BC11158Wynford Property Mgmt
VR1632Newport Quay518 Moberly RoadVancouver BC11158WYNFORD PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
LMS2465Nicola Manor1050 Nicola StreetVancouver BC39SELF MANAGED
EPS2617Nicola Mews1070 Nicola StreetVancouver BC313Quay Pacific
VAP6309Nora758 26th AvenueVancouver BC46
EPS10660Nora758 26th AvenueVancouver BC46Self Managed
LMS2865Norfolk House1675 10th AvenueVancouver BC348ASSOCIA BRITISH COLUMBIA INC.
EPS4185Northwest8189 Cambie StreetVancouver BC31348Rancho Management Services
BCS3457O21762 Davie StreetVancouver BC720NEW POINT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
EPS1802Oak6180 Oak StreetVancouver BC33AA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LTD
EPS5892Oak + Park7901 Oak StreetVancouver BC3FirstService Residential
LMS1519Oak Gardens1001 43rd AvenueVancouver BC45Quay Pacific
VAS2876Oak Lane980 21st AvenueVancouver BC4R. Jang & Associates
EPS9555Oak+52 Townhomes6768 Oak StreetVancouver BC423FirstService Residential
EPP85296Oak+52 Townhomes6778 Oak StreetVancouver BC23FirstService Residential
BCS882Oakcrest Terrace995 20th AvenueVancouver BC37Self
EPP90884Oakhaus125 W 41st AvenueVancouver BC420
EPP94834Oaklyn6578 Oak StreetVancouver BC318Pacifica First Management Ltd.
VR1359Oakmont Place975 13th AvenueVancouver BC335Bayside Property Services
VAS1359Oakmont Place975 13th AvenueVancouver BC335Bayside Property Services
VAP10874Oakridge6335 Fremlin StreetVancouver BC
LMS2421Oakview Gardens929 16th AvenueVancouver BC439Bayside
VAS507Oakview Place995 7th AvenueVancouver BC215Self Managed
VR1205Oakview Terrace2311 Oak StreetVancouver BC12Self Managed
VAS1205Oakview Terraces2303 Oak StreetVancouver BC312Self Managed
VAS2392Oakwood West788 14th AvenueVancouver BC4Blueprint
EPP102027Obsidian760 48 AvenueVancouver BC4SELF MANAGE
VR1344Ocean Gardens2239 1st AvenueVancouver BC419Royal LePage Westside
VAS1571Ocean Point2240 York AvenueVancouver BC36self
LMS712Ocean Tower At 888 Beach1501 Howe StreetVancouver BC33259FirstServices
VAS1445Ocean View Manor2015 3rd AvenueVancouver BC412Associa British Columbia
LMS1067Ocean Villa1233 Beach AvenueVancouver BC923Associa
VR992Ocean Vista1279 Nicola StreetVancouver BC518Pacific Quorum
VAS992Ocean Vista1279 Nicola StreetVancouver BC518Pacific Quorum
LMS4269Octona2446 4th AvenueVancouver BC38Self Managed
EPS8879Oeste 334917 Larch StreetVancouver BC36TRIBE MANAGEMENT INC
LMS3918Okay Okay Mews2335 Heather StreetVancouver BC33Self Managed
EPP107909Oku8030 Oak StreetVancouver BC6132
BCS1871Olive By Cressey3228 Tupper StreetVancouver BC5109Stratawest
BCS3849Olympic Village- Shoreline138 Athletes WayVancouver BC8FirstService Residential
EPS8296One Burrard Place1289 Hornby StreetVancouver BC60RANCHO
EPS82986One Burrard Place1289 Hornby StreetVancouver BC394RANCHO MANAGEMENT
BCS1777One Harbour Green1163 Cordova StreetVancouver BC2457AWM Alliance Real Estate Group
EPS3602One Pacific68 Smithe StreetVancouver BC21Rancho Management Ltd
EPS3736Opal By Element438 King Edward AvenueVancouver BC6130Pacific Quorum Properties
LMS2745Orca Place1166 Melville StreetVancouver BC30FirstService Residential
VAS844Osler8645 Osler StreetVancouver BC315PACIFIC QUORUM VANCOUVER
LMS3050Osler Place1099 71st AvenueVancouver BC4Korecki Real Estate Services
EPS4727Osler Residences8588 Osler StreetVancouver BC4CITYBASE MANAGEMENT
LMS869Pacific950 Cambie StreetVancouver BC29Wynford Group
BCS3736Pacific5928 Birney AvenueVancouver BC491Dwell Property Management
VR2673Pacific Cove456 Moberly RoadVancouver BC10143Wynford
VAS2673Pacific Cove456 Moberly RoadVancouver BC10143FirstService Residential
LMS1588Pacific Landmark Two930 Cambie StreetVancouver BC31126Ascent Property Management
VAS336Pacific Place1215 Pacific StreetVancouver BC51604 Real Estate
LMS1306Pacific Plaza283 Davie StreetVancouver BC15146FirstService Residential
VAS2540Pacific Point1323 Homer StreetVancouver BC29216FirstService Residential
VR2540Pacific Point Ii1323 Homer StreetVancouver BC29FirstService Residential
LMS1378Pacific Promenade In Yaletown888 Pacific StreetVancouver BC18First Service
LMS3684Pacific Robson Palais1688 Robson StreetVancouver BC538StrataWest
LMS1712Pacific Terrace3615 17th AvenueVancouver BC330Vancouver Management Ltd
LMS597Pacifica518 14th AvenueVancouver BC8207Pacific Quorum Properties Inc.
VAS2801Palais Georgia1415 Georgia StreetVancouver BC26FirstService Residential
VASPalais Georgia1415 Georgia StreetVancouver BC26FirstService Residential
VAS327Panorama Place2100 3rd AvenueVancouver BC3
EPS4933Parc Elise4408 Cambie StreetVancouver BC6Dorset Realty
BCS3221Paris Block53 Hastings StreetVancouver BC650BAYSIDE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
LMS1872Paris Place183 Keefer Place StreetVancouver BC32FirstService Residential
BCS474Pariz2432 4th AvenueVancouver BC48EAGLESON PROPERTIES LTD
BCS2992Pariz On Dunbar3611 18th AvenueVancouver BC4PENNY FARTHING
EPS4065Park & Metro7988 Yukon StreetVancouver BC473Associa Property Management
EPS5240Park 264189 Cambie StreetVancouver BC685DORSET REALTY GROUP
EPS7550Park House488 58th AvenueVancouver BC6Rancho
EPS7549Park House South477 59th AvenueVancouver BC6Rancho Property Management
EPP83764Park Langara6859 Cambie StreetVancouver BC
EPP83764$Park Langara6859 Cambie StreetVancouver BC
LMS2313Park Place2555 Vine StreetVancouver BC15
LMS2174Park Plaza1188 Richards StreetVancouver BC23186First Service
EPS7804Park Station6328 Cambie StreetVancouver BC855Dwell Property Management
EPP62519Park Station6328 Cambie StreetVancouver BC8Dwell Property Management
BCS1099Park West 1455 Beach CrescentVancouver BC32RANCHO MANAGEMENT
BCS1219Park West 2583 Beach CrescentVancouver BC36Rancho Management Services
EPS8695Park West 29th561 29th AvenueVancouver BC330Rancho Management Services Ltd
VAS1728Parkside 731386 West 73rd AvenueVancouver BC421Pacific Quorum
VR1728Parkside 731386 West 73rd AvenueVancouver BC21Pacific Quorum
LMS158Parkside Place1005 Broughton StreetVancouver BC38SELF MANAGED/ FIRST SERVICE
VAS1664Parkside Place1835 Barclay StreetVancouver BC22Ascent Real estate MGM
LMS1104Parkview Gardens212 Davie StreetVancouver BC2391WESTCOAST PPTY MGMT
VAS2327Parkview Terrace2288 Laurel StreetVancouver BC336TRIBE MANAGEMENT INC
LMS990Parkview Towers289 Drake StreetVancouver BC26100Bayside
VR2327Parview Terrace2288 Laurel StreetVancouver BCTribe Management
BCS2694Pathways5777 Birney AvenueVancouver BC4Associa
BCS4016Patina1028 Barclay StreetVancouver BC42256Gateway
LMS2846Pemberley - Hampton Place, Ubc5605 Hampton PlaceVancouver BC4STRATAWEST MANAGEMENT LTD
LMS1491Pendrell Mews1500 Pendrell StreetVancouver BC5100Dwell Property Management
VAS1008Pendrell Place1819 Pendrell StreetVancouver BC622Ascent Real Estate Management
VAS1991Pepper Ridge1350 6th AvenueVancouver BC333SW Woodman Property Management
VAS642Pine Manor2995 Pine StreetVancouver BC35Self Managed
VAS39Pine Ridge1710 13th AvenueVancouver BC335Bayside Property Service LTD
LMS2969Pinnacle939 Homer StreetVancouver BC34312Tribe Management
EPS766Pinnacle On Broadway2080 BroadwayVancouver BC8FirstService Residential
BCS4064Pinnacle On False Creek1887 Crowe StreetVancouver BC10Wynford
BCS1362Pintura1530 8th AvenueVancouver BC1159Rancho Mgmt
LMS4467Platinum2102 38th AvenueVancouver BC447TML Management Group Ltd.
VAS414Plaza Del Mar1575 Beach AvenueVancouver BC1441Wynford Group
VR414Plaza Del Mar1575 Beach AvenueVancouver BC1441Wynford Group
VAS2737Point Grey Estates3220 W 4th AvenueVancouver BC417Bayside Property Services Ltd.
LMS2163Point Grey Place2580 Tolmie StreetVancouver BC7KORECKI MANAGEMENT
VAS1708Point Grey Towers2575 Tolmie StreetVancouver BC1210Quay Pacific
LMS2080Pointe Claire1238 Melville StreetVancouver BC35FirstService Residential
VAS2506Pointe La Belle1235 BroadwayVancouver BC914ATIRA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
BCS2495Pomeria1455 Howe StreetVancouver BC30Rancho Management Services
VAS942Portobello1315 7th AvenueVancouver BC3FORT PARK MANAGEMENT
LMS1554Portofino1383 Howe StreetVancouver BC1944Rancho
EPS2033Prelude6311 Cambie StreetVancouver BC756Compass Point Management
VAS87Princeton Manner1717 13th AvenueVancouver BC345Century 21
VR87Princeton Manor1717 13th AvenueVancouver BC345Century 21
EPS2989Prodigy3462 Ross DriveVancouver BC6ASSOCIA
BCS1211Promontory2688 West Mall RoadVancouver BC20Bayside Property
BCS3655Pulse2528 Maple StreetVancouver BC7Dwell Property Managment
BCS3215Pure1252 Hornby StreetVancouver BC1573STRATACO
VAS164Qu' Appelle1165 Burnaby StreetVancouver BC1122NAI Goddard and Smith
VR164Qu'appelle1165 Burnaby StreetVancouver BC1122NAI Goddard & Smith
LMS4555Quaywest1033 Marinaside CrescentVancouver BC34406FirstService Residential
PM4555Quaywest1033 Marinaside CrescentVancouver BC39406First Service
BCS1697Qube1333 Georgia StreetVancouver BC15167FirstService Residential
VAS900Queen Charolette1101 Nicola StreetVancouver BC525FirstService Residential
VAS474Quilchena Estate4350 Valley DriveVancouver BC221Sterling management co
BCS1783R & R480 Robson StreetVancouver BC19106FirstService Residential
VAS2116Radcliffe Point2216 3rd AvenueVancouver BC423Royal LePage Westside Mgmt.
EPS2945Radius1628 4th AvenueVancouver BC450FirstService Residential
BCS2982Raffles821 Cambie StreetVancouver BC22Tribe Management Inc.
LMP5697Raphael3668 10th AvenueVancouver BC4
VAS104Ravenwood1775 11 AvenueVancouver BC432Strataco Management
LMS4362Redbrick898 15th AvenueVancouver BC34URBAN PROPERTIES
LMS4363Redbricks880 15th AvenueVancouver BCSelf Managed
LMS4525Redbricks Iii832 15th AvenueVancouver BC36Associa
BCS1478Reflections6279 Eagles DriveVancouver BC4WYNFORD GROUP
VAS231Regency House1750 10th AvenueVancouver BC324S.D. Woodman management Ltd.
VAS1687Regency Park2115 40th AvenueVancouver BC13VANCOUVER MGMET
VR1687Regency Place2115 40th AvenueVancouver BC25Vancouver Management
VAS374Regency Terrace1718 Nelson StreetVancouver BC440NEW POINT PM
EPS5939Reside458 63rd AvenueVancouver BC433DUKA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
LMS75Residences At 1500 Alberni1500 Alberni StreetVancouver BC2669Macdonald Commercial
LMS3094Residences On Georgia1200 Georgia StreetVancouver BC35487AWM Alliance
BCS730Retro8988 Hudson StreetVancouver BC5FRASER PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
EPP79042Revive -Wellside Collection6808 Ash StreetVancouver BC42
EPP79043Revive Ll6808 Ash StreetVancouver BC
BCS4213Richards Living1088 Richards StreetVancouver BC18233Rancho Vancouver
VAS2798Riverview Court8728 Marine DriveVancouver BC431COLYVAN PACIFIC REAL ESTATE
BCS1563Roar One4387 10th AvenueVancouver BC412Colyvan Pacific
LMS1902Robinson Tower488 Helmcken StreetVancouver BC16FirstService Residential
VAS756Robson Gardens1270 Robson StreetVancouver BC8Fort Park Property Management
VR756Robson Gardens1270 Robson StreetVancouver BC880Fort Park Property Management
LMS1863Robson On Robson Suite Hotel838 Hamilton StreetVancouver BC22RANCHO
BCS1233Rogers - Coal Harbour1077 Cordova StreetVancouver BC130130AWM alliance real estate
LMS740Rosedale Gardens888 Hamilton StreetVancouver BC25168Century 21 Prudential Estates
EPS9352Rowe By Bosa805 49th AvenueVancouver BC3AWM Alliance
EPP110450Rowe By Bosa Properties745 49th AvenueVancouver BC3AWM Alliance Real Estate Group
EPP103371Rowen W 471010 47th AvenueVancouver BC336Citybase
BCS4265Sage5782 Berton AvenueVancouver BC18Rancho Management
VR291Sahlano Place1933 5th AvenueVancouver BC435COLYVAN PACIFIC PROPERTY MANAG
VAS291Sahlano Place1933 W 5th AvenueVancouver BC3Coleman Pacific
EPS1525Sail5983 Gray AvenueVancouver BC6Associa
BCS3841Sails1661 Ontario StreetVancouver BC13ASCENT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
BCS2886Sakura1333 11th AvenueVancouver BC1263Tribe Management
EPS1991Salt1308 Hornby StreetVancouver BC33197Wynford
VAS1311San Franciscan1182 7th AvenueVancouver BC324ASSOCIA
VAS1483San Fransican Ii1101 8th AvenueVancouver BC324S.D WOODMAN MANAGEMENT LTD.
VAS2402San Remo1859 Spyglass PlaceVancouver BC4133Stratawest Management
VAS320Sand Piper1740 Comox StreetVancouver BC20113Wynford Strata Management
VAS2679Sandpebble2238 2nd AvenueVancouver BC6SELF MANAGED
LMS1415Sandringham5650 Hampton PlaceVancouver BC232Stratawest
LMS3195Santa Barbara3036 4th AvenueVancouver BC352Fraser Property Man agement
BCS1625Sasamat Garden4450 8th AvenueVancouver BC41FirstService
VAS1452Sausalito2057 3rd AvenueVancouver BCAssocia
EPP93399Savannah7789 Yukon StreetVancouver BC36
LMS4078Savona2175 Salal DriveVancouver BC3103Wynford Group
EPS9089Savoy4240 Cambie StreetVancouver BC6Rancho Management Services
EPP50029Savoy4240 Cambie StreetVancouver BC6Rancho Management Services
VR2487Seabreeze2175 3rd AvenueVancouver BC22604 Real Estate
LMS2055Seagate2575 4th AvenueVancouver BC473THE WYNFORD GROUP
VAS1701Seagate Villa2110 Cornwall AvenueVancouver BC419DWELL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
VAS1712Seascape Vista1166 6th AvenueVancouver BC322Dorset Realty Group Canada Ltd
6539Seasons577 26th AvenueVancouver BC319Wynford
EPS10575Seasons557 26th AvenueVancouver BC519Wynford
LMS2946Seastar1003 Pacific StreetVancouver BC21105Quay Pacific
VAS24Seaview Manor1480 Arbutus StreetVancouver BC3SELF MANAGED
VAS1886Seawalk North1625 Hornby StreetVancouver BC1862COLYVAN PACIFIC
VAS1802Seawalk South1675 Hornby StreetVancouver BC1032First Service
VAS1564Seawinds973 7th AvenueVancouver BC11Pacific Dawn
BCS4029Self-Managed1959 15th AvenueVancouver BC3Self Managed
VAS765Selkirk Manor8622 Selkirk StreetVancouver BC315Bayside Property Management3
VR1023Sevensevenseven777 Burrard StreetVancouver BC655Dwell Property Management
BCS3165Shangri La1111 Alberni StreetVancouver BC61Tribe Management
BCS3206Shangri-La Estate1128 Georgia StreetVancouver BC62TRIBE MANAGEMENT
4295Shannon 187653 Granville StreetVancouver BC
EPS5055Shannon Wall Centre - Wilshire House1561 57th AvenueVancouver BC4FirstService Residential
VAP6011Shaughnessy1226 26th AvenueVancouver BC36Self Managed
LMS276Shaughnessy Gate2988 Alder StreetVancouver BC1267604 Real Estate Services Inc
LMS2799Shaughnessy Heights988 21st AvenueVancouver BC4Pacific Quorum
BCS1875Shaughnessy Mansions1477 15th AvenueVancouver BC336Dwell Property Management
EPS8969Shaughnessy Pearl1528 28th AvenueVancouver BC6Self Managed
EPP50988Shaughnessy Pearl1522 28th AvenueVancouver BC
VR368Shaughnessy Place4900 Cartier StreetVancouver BCCondex
INTHEShaughnessy Place4900 Cartier StreetVancouver BCTribe
VAS368Shaughnessy Place4900 Cartier StreetVancouver BCDwell
VAS820Shaughnessy Place Ii4900 Cartier StreetVancouver BC282Wynford
EPS5291Shaughnessy Residences8117 Shaughnessy StreetVancouver BC314Citybase Management
BCS207Siena Of Portico1428 6th AvenueVancouver BC15FirstService Residential
VR1590Signature Place1205 14th AvenueVancouver BC412C & C Property Group
VAS1590Signature Place1205 14th AvenueVancouver BC412C & C Property Group
BCS2128Silver Sea628 Kinghorne MewsVancouver BC931Tribe
LMS3117Simon Westside Lofts980 22nd AvenueVancouver BC419QUAY PACIFIC PROPERTY MGMT
LMS154Sitco Manor1023 Wolfe AvenueVancouver BC424West Coast Property Management
EPS895Sitka5868 Agronomy RoadVancouver BC14City Base Management
VAS1340Siwash Crest2532 Cornwall AvenueVancouver BC44McDonald Realty & Self Managed
LMS1748Sixteen Willows788 15th AvenueVancouver BC4Tribe Management Inc.
EPS1369Sixth & Willow778 6th AvenueVancouver BC425MACDONALD COMMERCIAL
BCS2047Skyline On Broadway2483 Spruce StreetVancouver BC1044Quay Pacific
LMS3170Solo2228 Marstrand AvenueVancouver BC7176FirstService Residential
EPS7203Soma7777 Cambie StreetVancouver BC632TML Management Group Ltd.
VAS1691Somerset1147 Nelson StreetVancouver BC432WYNFORD GROUP
BCS1417Somerset Homes6378 Larkin DriveVancouver BC318Colyvan Pacific Real Estate
LMS2790Sonesta1989 Dunbar StreetVancouver BC449FirstService Residential
EPS126664Soto On 28th561 28th AvenueVancouver BC20
EPP126664Soto On W28th539 28th AvenueVancouver BC21
VAS2369South Bend8633 Marine DriveVancouver BC323TRIBE
EPS1904South Creek Landing2211 Cambie StreetVancouver BC16FirstService
VAS1450Southgate Place998 19th AvenueVancouver BC424PACIFIC QUORUM VANCOUVER
VR1797Southport953 8 AvenueVancouver BC29BAYSIDE
VAS1797Southport953 8th AvenueVancouver BC329BAYSIDE PROPERTY SERVICES LTD.
LMS2446Space1238 Seymour StreetVancouver BC21223Wynford Group
BCS2478Spectrum111 Georgia StreetVancouver BC35221Rancho
BCS2577Spectrum 3131 Regiment SquareVancouver BC30211Rancho
BCS2611Spectrum 4602 Citadel ParadeVancouver BC33245Rancho
VAS614Spinnaker2410 Cornwall AvenueVancouver BC331PACIFIC QUORUM PROPERTY
BCS3970Spirit3478 Wesbrook MallVancouver BC4Dwell
BCS4158Spruce2530 Spruce StreetVancouver BC1149FirstService Residential
VAS514Spruce Village1042 Ironwork PassageVancouver BC336BAYSIDE PROPERTIES
VR514Spruce Village1130 Ironwork PassageVancouver BC436Bayside Properties
VR280St. Claire Court1867 3rd AvenueVancouver BC434ASSOCIA
VAS280St. Claire Court1867 3rd AvenueVancouver BC4Associa BC
LMS780St. James House5835 Hampton PlaceVancouver BC4First Service
VAS1839St. Moritz2350 39th AvenueVancouver BC12Bayside Property Services.
VAS37Stable Residence2632 Hemlock StreetVancouver BCSelf Managed
VAS1746Stanley Park Place1860 Robson StreetVancouver BC1645Stratawest Management
LMS2329Star Of Kitsilano2680 4th AvenueVancouver BC499AWM ALLIANCE GROUP
BCS1868Stella Del Fiordo638 6th AvenueVancouver BC3Bayside Property Services Ltd
LMS2397Stephens Court2025 Stephens StreetVancouver BC447Royal Lepage Property MGMT
BCS1180Sterling1050 Smithe StreetVancouver BC21129PACIFIC QUORUM PROPERTIES INC.
EPS4420Sterling2102 48th AvenueVancouver BC436Quay Pacific
VAS1654Sterling Court2775 Fir StreetVancouver BC417Dorset Realty
BCS2988Stirling House6080 Iona DriveVancouver BC7Fort Park Property Management
EPS98Stirling On Dunbar5487 Dunbar StreetVancouver BC3Associa BC
LMS3274Stratford5657 Hampton PlaceVancouver BC1159FirstService Residential
VR133Stratford Place1725 Pendrell StreetVancouver BC19104Strataco
VAS133Stratford Place1725 Pendrell StreetVancouver BC19104Strataco Management
LMS2445Studio 518518 Beatty StreetVancouver BC950FirstService Residential
VAS2324Sundial At The Park1935 Haro StreetVancouver BC922NEW POINT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
VAS2778Sundial Court1595 Barclay StreetVancouver BC38West Coast Property Management
VAS1733Sundial Place1845 Robson StreetVancouver BC822604 Real Estate Services
VAS1948Sungate526 13th AvenueVancouver BC416R. Jang & Associates Ltd.
VAS2001Sunny Lodge2125 2nd AvenueVancouver BC443ASSOCIA
VR2001Sunny Lodge2125 2nd AvenueVancouver BC43Associa British Columbia, INC
VAS483Sunrise West1345 15th AvenueVancouver BC456Colyvan Pacific
VR483Sunrise West1345 15th AvenueVancouver BC56Colyvan Pacific
VAS275Sunset West2190 7th AvenueVancouver BC357First Residential
VAP92Surfcrest1251 Cardero StreetVancouver BC22160Sheridan investment
7990)Surfcrest1251 Cardero StreetVancouver BC22160Sheridan Investments
BCS242Sydney2065 12th AvenueVancouver BC452AWM Alliance
VAS1625Sylvia Tower1861 Beach AvenueVancouver BC14Red Door Management
VR1625Sylvia Tower1861 Beach AvenueVancouver BC14Red Door Management Corp.
LMS3266Talieson2375 BroadwayVancouver BC442Royal LePage Westside
BCS2645Tapestry2851 Heather StreetVancouver BC10Tribe Management Inc
BCS171Tapestry At Arbutus Walk2799 Yew StreetVancouver BC842Tribe
BCS3915Tapestry At Wesbrook Village Ubc3382 Wesbrook MallVancouver BC7Tribe Management
EPS4792Tate On Howe1283 Howe StreetVancouver BC39334Rancho
BCS1916Tatlow Court1803 Macdonald StreetVancouver BC39STERLING MANAGEMENT SERVICES
VAS250Tell Manor1352 10th AvenueVancouver BC318Ascent Management
EPS3242Telus Garden777 Richards StreetVancouver BC53FirstService Residential
BCS900Tenali On 10th2036 10th AvenueVancouver BC523River West
VAS1909Tennyson Mews1865 10th AvenueVancouver BC16ASCENT PROPERTY MGMT
LMS3699Terminal City Club837 Hastings StreetVancouver BC3073First Service
EPS9493Terraces At Oak7567 Oak StreetVancouver BC3citybase management ltd
LMS4708Terraces On 7th1570 7th AvenueVancouver BC1223Pacific Quorum
LMS365Thames Court5880 Hampton PlaceVancouver BC2FirstService Residential
BCS733The ' I' By Adera2137 10th AvenueVancouver BC765Wynford Group
LMS4050The 501501 Pacific StreetVancouver BC33FirstService Residential
VAS78The Admiral1535 Nelson StreetVancouver BC436Associa
VR78The Admiral1535 Nelson StreetVancouver BC3Associa
VAS1688The Admiralty1600 Howe StreetVancouver BC944Self Managed - Bill Littlewood
BCS106The Alda1275 Hamilton StreetVancouver BC6Koreck Real Estate Service
EPS1571The Alexandra1221 Bidwell StreetVancouver BC2185Stratawest Management
EPS5890The Arc89 Nelson StreetVancouver BC29Rancho
LMS3782The Aviara3595 26th AvenueVancouver BC433PennyFarthing Mgmt
VAS845The Barclay1550 Barclay StreetVancouver BC467Dorset Realty Group
VAS2880The Barclay950 Bidwell StreetVancouver BC414Northwest
VAS195The Beach House2255 York AvenueVancouver BC339ASSOCIA
VAS1660The Beaches1665 Arbutus StreetVancouver BC314Korecki
BCS4249The Bealsey888 Homer StreetVancouver BC34221Pacific Quorum Properties
VAS1647The Belmont5425 Yew StreetVancouver BC13604 Real Estate Services Inc
VR1647The Belmont5425 Yew StreetVancouver BC1237604 Real Estate Services Inc.
BCS1399The Bentley1001 Homer StreetVancouver BC25Wynford Group
EPS3636The Bishop7289 Cypress StreetVancouver BC37SELF MANAGED
EPS4053The Boulevard5325 West BoulevardVancouver BC4Associa BC Inc.
BCS518The Braebern736 14th AvenueVancouver BC4ASSOCIA BC
VAS480The Brambleberry1396 Burnaby StreetVancouver BC4Atira Property Management
BCS3863The Bridge197 Walter Hardwick AvenueVancouver BC5FirstService Residential
LMS2185The Bristol5735 Hampton PlaceVancouver BC4Stratawest Management
EPS8821The Brixton28 13th AvenueVancouver BC34Self Managed
VAS2133The Broadway1360 8th AvenueVancouver BC10NAI Goddard & Smith
BCS1012The Brownstone2955 Laurel StreetVancouver BC3StrataWest Management
LMS1636The Brownstone2105 42nd AvenueVancouver BC4Tribe Management Inc.
VR978The Californian1080 Pacific StreetVancouver BC7Quay Pacific Property Mgmt.
LMS1089The Capers Building2255 4th AvenueVancouver BC485STRATAWEST MANAGEMENT
BCS334The Carina1233 Cordova StreetVancouver BC2691FS Residential
LMS2891The Carlings2161 12th AvenueVancouver BC4100STRATAWEST MANAGEMENT LTD.
VAS2799The Carlton1550 Marine DriveVancouver BC4Fort Park Property Management
VR2213The Carlyle1060 Alberni StreetVancouver BC21DWELL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
LMS3166The Carnegie1823 7th AvenueVancouver BC4145STRATAWEST MANAGEMENT LTD.
EPS4774The Charleson499 Pacific StreetVancouver BC43125Rancho Property Management
3PS4774The Charleson499 Pacific StreetVancouver BCRanch Management
EPS8138The Charlotte460 35th AvenueVancouver BC6Minerva Realty
VAS260The Chartwell1108 Nicola StreetVancouver BC1042ATIRA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
LMS1791The Chatham5775 Hampton PlaceVancouver BC2097Stratawest
VAS1470The Chatsworth1950 Robson StreetVancouver BC744NEW POINT PROPERT MANAGEMENT
VAS1694The Chilco Park1010 Chilco StreetVancouver BC444TRIBE MANAGEMENT INC.
BCS2915The Classix958 15th AvenueVancouver BC36Self Managed
BCS3492The Coast6063 Iona DriveVancouver BC6FirstService Residential
VAS1246The Colonade1455 Robson StreetVancouver BC5DWELL PROP. MNGMT
EPS2788The Columbia3217 Columbia StreetVancouver BC3BLUEPRINT STRATA
LMS3449The Columbus1383 Marinaside CrescentVancouver BC25119The Wynford Group
LMS4382The Compton1316 11th AvenueVancouver BCDwell Ppty Mgmt
BCS327The Concord1328 Marinaside CrescentVancouver BC86Rancho
VAS2038The Concord828 14th AvenueVancouver BC323TRIPLE MANAGEMENT INC.
BCP26848The Conservatory5608 Berton AvenueVancouver BC20211AWM Alliance
LMS3998The Conservatory638 45th AvenueVancouver BC692FirstService Residential
VAS2215The Courtyards643 7th AvenueVancouver BC345PACIFIC QUORUM
LMS4103The Crandall1072 Hamilton StreetVancouver BC6Dwell Property Management
BCS3240The Crane Building546 Beatty StreetVancouver BC859West Coast Property Management
BCS833The Crescent997 W 22 AvenueVancouver BC543Associa
EPS922The Crescent On Mcrae1468 Mcrae AvenueVancouver BC415Bayside Property Services Ltd
VAS101The Crestview1844 7th AvenueVancouver BC344COLYVAN PACIFIC
LMS4350The Crowne On Oak5770 Oak StreetVancouver BC567COLYVAN PACIFIC
VR2493The Cumberland3755 8th AvenueVancouver BCWYNFORD
VAS2493The Cumberland3755 8th AvenueVancouver BC451The Wynford Group
BCS535The Denia - Waterfront Place499 Broughton StreetVancouver BC20Stratawest
BCS1202The Deseo2226 12th AvenueVancouver BC434GAMMON INTERNATIONAL
VAS2383The Discovery1500 Howe StreetVancouver BC24176strata west
VR2383The Discovery1500 Howe StreetVancouver BC
BCS3925The Dolce535 Smithe StreetVancouver BC31FIRST SERVICE
VR2681The Dorchester1265 Barclay StreetVancouver BC1136Associa
BCS522The Eden1225 Richards StreetVancouver BC25177QUAY PACIFIC PPTY MGT.
BCS2024The Edge On Fifth1962 5th AvenueVancouver BC9ASSOCIA
BCS2756The Elan1255 Seymour StreetVancouver BC34FirstService Residential
VAS2770The Ellington1010 Burnaby StreetVancouver BC2185Dwell Property Management
BCS2588The Ellison1228 Homer StreetVancouver BC628Dwell Property Management
VAS2354The Empress935 15th AvenueVancouver BC321Narod Properties w/ Macdonald
BCS3702The Erickson1560 Homer MewsVancouver BC1860The Wynford Group
BCS3602The Exchange388 W 1st AvenueVancouver BC668WYNFORD GROUP
LMS344The Fairview2288 Pine StreetVancouver BC1182WYNFORD
LMS3973The Folkstone3727 10th AvenueVancouver BC4QUAY PACIFIC
BCS3365The Foundry1833 Crowe StreetVancouver BC16FIRSTSERVICE
VR2207The Fountains725 7th AvenueVancouver BC40Colyvan Pacific
LMS2622The Galleria1630 1st AvenueVancouver BC498Strataco
VAS1313The Greenhorn1169 Nelson StreetVancouver BC433Century 21 Prudential Estates
VR1313The Greenhorn1169 Nelson StreetVancouver BC4Century 21
EPS5777The Grey3639 16th AvenueVancouver BC429FirstService Residential
LMS2840The Grey Point3788 10th AvenueVancouver BC410Royal LePage Westside
LMS4507The Grove6198 Ash StreetVancouver BC4Century 21 Prudential Est Rmd
LMS2361The Hamilton1178 Hamilton StreetVancouver BC6Korecki Real Estate Services I
VAS2683The Harrod825 15th AvenueVancouver BC3URBAN PROPERTIES LTD.
VAS1929The Heartstone2195 5th AvenueVancouver BC427R. Jang & Associates
LMS3462The Heatherstone3278 Heather StreetVancouver BC455DWELL
EPP99808The Hillcrest4110 Columbia StreetVancouver BC317Citybase
EPS9111The Hillcrest4110 Columbia StreetVancouver BC317Citybase Management Ltd
LMS3816The Hooper Building869 Beatty StreetVancouver BC4Acsent Real Estate Managment
BCS1964The Icon638 Beach CrescentVancouver BC28176Rancho Management Services
LMS2379The Ivy's669 7th AvenueVancouver BC357Century 21 Prudential Estates
EPS800The James268 1st AvenueVancouver BC13154FirstService Residential
EPS4184The Jervis1171 Jervis StreetVancouver BC2058STRATA WEST MANAGEMENT
LMS1755The Jetson1277 Nelson StreetVancouver BC20Rancho Management Services
VAS638The Kerrisdale2180 43rd AvenueVancouver BC1114Vancouver Management Ltd.
VAS591The Kerrisdale2180 43rd AvenueVancouver BC14Vancouver Management Ltd
BCS3416The KerryTH2258 39th AvenueVancouver BC1212COLYVAN PACIFIC
VR430The Kimberley1337 10th AvenueVancouver BC99Self Managed
VAS610The King Edward3905 Springtree DriveVancouver BC575R. JANG & ASSOCIATES
EPS6034The Kirkland6168 East BoulevardVancouver BC422VANCOUVER MGMT LTD
VAS2096The Lagoons1502 Island Park WalkVancouver BC489Tribe Management
VR1900The Lagoons1502 Island Park WalkVancouver BC4Tribe Management
VR2039"The Lagoons1598 Island Park WalkVancouver BCTribe Management
VR1900"The Lagoons1502 Island Park WalkVancouver BC489TRIBE MANAGEMENT
VAS178The Lamplighter1146 Harwood StreetVancouver BC16115Tribe Management
VR178The Lamplighter1146 Harwood StreetVancouver BC16115Tribe Property Management
LMS4274The Lanesborough3088 41st AvenueVancouver BC348Associa BC
LMS4317The Laureates5790 BoulevardVancouver BC5Hathstauwk Property Management
BCS952The Legend2103 45th AvenueVancouver BC418DORSET REALTY
EPS4890The Leveson7828 Granville StreetVancouver BC440Pacific Quorum
BCS336The Lex1249 Granville StreetVancouver BC645RANCHO MGMT
LMS3942The Lions1331 Alberni StreetVancouver BC30463REMI
EPS7260The Lodge On Willow3891 Willow StreetVancouver BC36Colyvan Pacific
LMS4185The Lofts In Kits2088 11th AvenueVancouver BC3Urban Properties Ltd.
VR1642The Lookout2298 1st AvenueVancouver BC418ASCENT
LMS3275The Lord Stanley1889 Alberni StreetVancouver BC13112CANACORP
BCS1484The Mack2525 Blenheim StreetVancouver BC437Pacific Quorum Properties
EPS1290The Maddox1351 Continental StreetVancouver BC32214KORECKI REAL ESTATE SERVICES
LMS2274The Magnolia1788 13th AvenueVancouver BC1111COLYVAN PACIFIC
BCS2691The Maguire Building2665 W BroadwayVancouver BC445Royal Lepage
VAS700The Malibu2173 6th AvenueVancouver BC441Royal Lepage
VR700The Malibu2173 6 AvenueVancouver BC41Royal LePage
LMS2240The Malkin141 Water StreetVancouver BC717FirstService Residential
VAS2749The Mansions668 16th AvenueVancouver BC421Bayside Property Services Ltd.
LMS2703The Maples2028 11th AvenueVancouver BC549DWELL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
VAS2253The Maples1988 Maple StreetVancouver BC4Century 21 Prudential Estate
LMS17The Maples3065 Heather StreetVancouver BC47Self managed
VAS637The Marbella1299 7th AvenueVancouver BC314S.D. Woodman
VR637The Marbella1299 7th AvenueVancouver BC14S.D. Woodman
EPS1231The Mark1372 Seymour StreetVancouver BC41303Rancho Management
BCS1437The Max939 Expo BoulevardVancouver BC30RANCHO MANAGEMENT
BCS2462The Mcmaster Building1180 Homer StreetVancouver BC615Bayside Property Services
BCS2321The Melville1189 Melville StreetVancouver BC42236TRIBE MANAGEMENT INC.
LMS3778The Milano1003 Burnaby StreetVancouver BC18QUAY PACIFIC PROPERTY MANAGEME
VAS2581The Monterey1820 3rd AvenueVancouver BC4QUAY PACIFIC
VAS805The Nelson1070 Nelson StreetVancouver BC422Ascent Management
LMS1490The New Yorker1066 Hamilton StreetVancouver BC4Quay Pacific Mgmt
LMS1068The Nottingham1386 6th AvenueVancouver BC248Associa
BCS741The Nova989 Beatty StreetVancouver BC29166AWM Alliance
LMS4210The Oakridge6180 Cambie StreetVancouver BC31Dorset Realty
VAS296The Oaks3264 Oak StreetVancouver BC324Self Managed / First Service
VR296The Oaks3264 Oak StreetVancouver BC324Self Managed / First Service
VR2611The Oaks988 16th AvenueVancouver BC428
VAS2611The Oaks988 16th AvenueVancouver BCPacific Dawn
BCS975The Oaks3089 Oak StreetVancouver BC429River West Realty
VAS167The Oceans Door2450 Cornwall AvenueVancouver BC441604 REAL ESTATE SERVICES
VAS639The Old Kits Townhomes1620 Balsam StreetVancouver BC320West Coast Properties
LMS2876The Omega638 7th AvenueVancouver BC4FirstService Residential
EPS2983The One38 1st AvenueVancouver BC14THE WYNFORD GROUP
BCS147The Oscar1295 Richards StreetVancouver BC23WYNFORD GROUP
EPS7738The Pacific889 Pacific StreetVancouver BC39224AWM Alliannce
VAS1543The Palasades1967 Barclay StreetVancouver BCKorecki
LMS2472The Palisades1288 Alberni StreetVancouver BC23272Tribe Management
VAS2000The Palladian1705 Nelson StreetVancouver BC440FirstService Residential
VR2000The Palladian1705 Nelson StreetVancouver BC440FirstService Residential
LMS4661The Palladio1228 Hastings StreetVancouver BC2983Associa
LMS3432The Park1723 Alberni StreetVancouver BC25151FirstService Residential
EPS6502The Parker5693 Elizabeth StreetVancouver BC647DWELL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
VR264The Pendrell1234 Pendrell StreetVancouver BC4Bayside Properties
VAS264The Pendrell1234 Pendrell StreetVancouver BC430BAYSIDE PROPERTY SERVICES LTD.
LMS2518The Peninsula1201 Marinaside CrescentVancouver BC36146FSR
BCS1596The Point On Kits1460 Arbutus StreetVancouver BC310R. JANG & Associates Ltd
LMS2728The Points1331 Georgia StreetVancouver BC31The Wynford Group
VAS2827The Presidio2088 Barclay StreetVancouver BC20Stratawest Management Ltd
EPS6770The Primrose4932 Cambie StreetVancouver BC6The Wynford
EPS849The Private Residences At Hotel Georgia667 Howe StreetVancouver BC48156FirstService Residential
VR2402The Regatta1869 Spyglass PlaceVancouver BC4Strata West
LMS4068The Regency5639 Hampton PlaceVancouver BC18Stratawest Management Ltd
LMS25The Regent1132 Haro StreetVancouver BC835West Coast Property Management
EPS5493The Regent523 King Edward AvenueVancouver BC670RANCHO MANAGEMENT SERVICES
LMS150The Residence At Alberni1888 Alberni StreetVancouver BC2036THE WYNFORD GROUP
EPS6682The Residences At Nobel Park3533 Ross DriveVancouver BC15267Associca BC Inc.
EPS2328The Residences At West1783 Manitoba StreetVancouver BC15Rancho Managment
VAS1656The Rhapsody910 8th AvenueVancouver BC340Atira Property Management
VR1656The Rhapsody910 8th AvenueVancouver BC340ATIRA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
EPS2690The Ridge2118 15th AvenueVancouver BC4WEST COAST PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
BCS3053The Ritz1211 Melville StreetVancouver BC38192Associa British Columia Inc.
EPS1755The Rolston1325 Rolston StreetVancouver BC26187The Wynford Group
EPP85582The Row On French8303 French StreetVancouver BC324
VR1311The San Franciscan1182 7 AvenueVancouver BC324Associa
BCS2936The Sapphire1188 Pender StreetVancouver BC33108Associa BC
VR1452The Sausalito2057 3rd AvenueVancouver BC334Associa
LMS4155The Savoy928 Richards StreetVancouver BC32Wynford Group
VAS2487The Sea Breeze2175 3rd AvenueVancouver BC22604 Real Estate Services
VAS61The Seabreeze2025 2nd AvenueVancouver BC461Dwell Property Mgmt
VR61The Seabreeze2025 2nd AvenueVancouver BC461Dwell
VAS47The Shaughnessy1235 15th AvenueVancouver BC653Ascent Real Estate Management
VR47The Shaughnessy1235 15th AvenueVancouver BCAscent Property Management
VAS1059The Shaughnessy1568 12th AvenueVancouver BC1120ASCENT REAL ESATE MANAGEMENT
VAS1159The Sixth Estate2243 Oak StreetVancouver BC356Associa BC
EPS4035The Smithe885 Cambie StreetVancouver BC27QUAY PACIFIC
LMS4615The Soho1503 65th AvenueVancouver BC4CrossRoads MGT Co
LMS3440The Spot933 Seymour StreetVancouver BC13196TRIBE
EPS4248The Spot2888 Cambie StreetVancouver BC8Rancho Management Services
VAS1960The Springs At Langara7679 Manitoba StreetVancouver BC4Wynford Group
VR1960The Springs At Langara230 Waterleigh DriveVancouver BC2188Wynford Managemet
LMS1703The Stafford888 Bute StreetVancouver BC7604 REAL ESTATE
EPS5948The Stanton2089 43rd AvenueVancouver BC417MACDONALD COMMERCIAL
BCS1559The Taylor550 Taylor StreetVancouver BC27THE WYNFORD GROUP
BCS521The Taylor310 Water StreetVancouver BC522FirstService Residential
LMS3068The Tenth Avenue2181 10th AvenueVancouver BC4Wynford Property Management
BCS3229The Terminus36 Water StreetVancouver BC750DWELL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
VAS1757The Tiburon2252 5th AvenueVancouver BC10S.D. Woodman
VR1757The Tiburon2252 5th AvenueVancouver BC10S. D. Woodman Management LTD.
LMS4114The Vantage1111 Pender StreetVancouver BC3839PINNACLE INT
BCS2958The Varsity4375 10th AvenueVancouver BC422Colyvan Pacific Real Estate
EPS1486The Vermeer2035 4th AvenueVancouver BC415Ascent Real Estate Management
LMS1608The Victoria789 Helmcken StreetVancouver BC55Rancho Property Management
BCS2667The Vine2268 BroadwayVancouver BC8133Tribe Management
BCS2308The Vue2520 Manitoba StreetVancouver BC546604 Real Estate Services Inc
LMS598The Warrenton1405 12th AvenueVancouver BC3131COLYVAN PACIFIC
LMS2556The Waterford1350 14th AvenueVancouver BC1212Royal LePage West Side
VAS816The Wedgewood2150 40th AvenueVancouver BC1324Vancouver Management LTD.
BCS3567The Westbrook5838 Berton AvenueVancouver BC1765Associa BC
LMS621The Westerlund1353 70th AvenueVancouver BC415METROWEST BUILDING SERVICES
VAS1089The Westerly1875 8th AvenueVancouver BC420ATIRA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
EPS2297The Westerly2528 Collingwood StreetVancouver BC427DWELL PROPERY MANAGMENT
VAS387The Westpark1855 Nelson StreetVancouver BC442Dwell Property
VAS361The Westport1435 Nelson StreetVancouver BC4ASSOCIA BC INC.
VAS451The Westshore1827 3rd AvenueVancouver BC424Bayside Property Services
VAS314The Westview1930 3rd AvenueVancouver BC3Wynford
BCS2258The Willows5633 Willow StreetVancouver BC335FORK PARK PROPERTIES
LMS450The Wilshire2108 38th AvenueVancouver BC1341Tribe Management
EPS8350The Winona7638 Cambie StreetVancouver BC638AA Property
EPS2182The York2028 York AvenueVancouver BC36Urban Properties
LMS1350The Yorkville1888 York AvenueVancouver BC53DWELL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
EPS4804The Zonda1510 6th AvenueVancouver BC57SOUTHVIEW
BCS3380The Zone1068 BroadwayVancouver BC12Quay Pacific
LMS3285Theo's Walk168 16th AvenueVancouver BC4Self Managed
NWDPThesis133 49th AvenueVancouver BC569Citybase
LMS1537Thomas Fee House1407 Pendrell StreetVancouver BC4Self Managed
EPS677Three Harbour Green277 Thurlow StreetVancouver BC3281AWM ALLIANCE
VAS1250Tiffany Court1050 Broughton StreetVancouver BC382DORSET REALTY
VR1250Tiffany Court1050 Broughton StreetVancouver BC382Dorset Realty Group
VAS2748Tiffany Mansions655 13th AvenueVancouver BC3Dewll Property Management
VAS2519Tiffany Oaks865 15th AvenueVancouver BC426Bayside Property Services
BCS337Torrey Pines1586 11th AvenueVancouver BC4Self managed
EPS4169Tower Green159 2nd AvenueVancouver BC17177Rancho
VAS15Town Villa1685 14th AvenueVancouver BC918MacDonald Commercial
LMS1992Trafalgar Mews2545 BroadwayVancouver BC485604 Real Estate Service Inc
BCS1302Trafalgar Square2015 Trafalgar StreetVancouver BC424ASSOCIA
BCS1920Tribeca988 Richards StreetVancouver BC8DWELL MGMT
LMS2833Trinity Place2490 2nd AvenueVancouver BC430KORECKI
LMS3443Triton1575 10th AvenueVancouver BC1385FirstService Residential
LMS4582Tropez2263 Redbud LaneVancouver BC487Tribe Management
EPS5873Tudor House457 63rd AvenueVancouver BC415R JANG & ASSOCIATES LTD
VAS2375Tudor Manor1311 Beach AvenueVancouver BC2366West Coast Property Management
EPP82967Turners Dairy6 17th AvenueVancouver BC13BLUEPRINT STRATA
EPS8504Turners Dairy10 17th AvenueVancouver BC13BLUEPRINT STRATA
BCS3407Tv Tower 2233 Robson StreetVancouver BC36458Rancho Management
VAS62Twelve Pines1720 12th AvenueVancouver BC336Bayside Management
VR62Twelve Pines1720 12th AvenueVancouver BC336Bayside Management
VAS1877Twelve Thirty Haro1230 Haro StreetVancouver BC466C & C Property Group Ltd
BCS864Twenty On The Park2780 Alma StreetVancouver BC320ASSOCIA
BCS3755Twenty Twenty2020 12th AvenueVancouver BC433Associa
EPS3519Two Dorothies2820 41st AvenueVancouver BCRoyal LePage Westside
BCS3025Two Harbour Green1139 Cordova StreetVancouver BC30Strataco Management
VAS1248Tyndale Court1081 8th AvenueVancouver BC316New Point Property Management
BCS4140Ultima3479 Wesbrook MallVancouver BC4Citybase
VAS1456University Gate4696 10th AvenueVancouver BC4Ascent
VAS537University Point3663 16th AvenueVancouver BC330NEWPOINT
VAS1567Upper Kits2285 14th AvenueVancouver BC22Self Managed
LMS78Upper Kits2178 15th AvenueVancouver BC22SELF
LMS2636Van Horne22 Cordova StreetVancouver BC8166Tribe Management
EPS5752Vancouver House1480 Howe StreetVancouver BC53374AWM Alliance
EPIS5752Vancouver House1480 Howe StreetVancouver BCAWM Alliance
LMS45Vancouver Tower909 Burrard StreetVancouver BC28131Vancouver Tower Management Ltd
LMS1761Vancouver West5788 Vine StreetVancouver BC440604 REAL ESTATE SERVICES INC.
VAS2153Vancouver West - Cambie178 16th AvenueVancouver BC34SELF
VAS1360Vanderlee Court1296 6th AvenueVancouver BC413Urban Properties Ltd.
VAS255Vanier Court1355 Harwood StreetVancouver BC552Associa
VR255Vanier Court1355 Harwood StreetVancouver BC552Associa
LMS3963Venus1239 Georgia StreetVancouver BC36FirstService Residential
BCS1127Verona Of Portico1450 6th AvenueVancouver BC552FirstService Residential
LMS1647Vicinia3440 BroadwayVancouver BC454Ascent Property Management
VR162Villa Fiorita2255 5th AvenueVancouver BC345Ascent Property Management
VAS162Villa Fiorita2255 5th AvenueVancouver BC345Ascent Real Estate
VAS240Villa Marine8770 Laurel StreetVancouver BC317Mai & Goddard Smith Inc
VAS1435Villa Rosa1225 7th AvenueVancouver BC8SELF MANAGED
VAS1288Villas Pacifica1949 8th AvenueVancouver BC4City Base
VAS2603Vine Gardens2091 Vine StreetVancouver BC48COLYVAN PACIFIC
VAS870Vine Grove1535 Vine StreetVancouver BC312URBAN PROPERTIES
BCS3187Viridian Green1961 Collingwood StreetVancouver BC4FSR
BCS1732Virtu1650 7th AvenueVancouver BC1163Strata West
EPS4521Virtuoso3581 Ross DriveVancouver BC6ASSOCIA BRITISH COLUMBIA
BCS3550Vita565 Smithe StreetVancouver BC29146FSR
EPS9592Voyce5168 Cambie StreetVancouver BC6Rancho
EPS9643Vvwmr8333 Cartier StreetVancouver BC2
EPS3586W 62nd Townhome7827 Manitoba StreetVancouver BC448Dwell Property Management
EPS5144W1433 Marine DriveVancouver BC26458RANCHO MANAGEMENT
21317W16 By Olson Kundig480 16th AvenueVancouver BC758
EPS11104W63 Mansion485 West 63rd AvenueVancouver BC4Citybase Management
EPP84486W688415 Granville StreetVancouver BC10
LMS1455Wall Centre1050 Burrard StreetVancouver BC30FirstService Residential
LMS4456Wall Centre938 Nelson StreetVancouver BC4864FirstService Residential
EPS1384Wall Centre False Creek108 1st AvenueVancouver BC16270FirstService Residential
EPS1197Wall Centre False Creek West1708 Columbia StreetVancouver BC18300FirstService Residential
EPS8391Wallis1310 King Edward AvenueVancouver BC6
5767Wallis1310 King Edward AvenueVancouver BC6
VAS277Walnut Place1424 Walnut StreetVancouver BC342Stratawest Management
VR277Walnut Place1424 Walnut StreetVancouver BC42StrataWest Management Ltd.
LMS4510Waterfall1540 2nd AvenueVancouver BC6FirstService Residential
BCS435Waterford1483 Homer StreetVancouver BC32129Rancho Management
BCS3820Waterloo2481 Waterloo StreetVancouver BC417Korecki
VAS861Waterwood Court3437 4th AvenueVancouver BC420Ascent Property Management
VAS1099Wemsley Mews1367 7th AvenueVancouver BC12Self Managed
EPS4149West 10th & Maple At Arbutus2033 10th AvenueVancouver BC7FIRST SERVICE
5495West 58 By Azora Group7477 Granville StreetVancouver BC
5495PIOWest 58 By Azora Group7461 Granville StreetVancouver BC
EPS3582West 62nd274 62nd AvenueVancouver BC424DWELL PROPERTY MANAGMENT
EPS4091West Five1819 5th AvenueVancouver BC524TRIBE
VAS1077West Granville Manor1251 71st AvenueVancouver BC42Dwell Property Management
LMS675West Hampstead5760 Hampton PlaceVancouver BC373Ascent PM
EPP103538West Oak6358 Oak StreetVancouver BC463
VAS265West On 5th1877 5th AvenueVancouver BC335Pacific Quorum
VR265West On 5th1877 5th AvenueVancouver BC335Pacific Quorum
BCS183West One1408 Strathmore MewsVancouver BC47246RANCHO MANAGEMENT
VA387West Park1855 Nelson StreetVancouver BC42Dwell Property Management
EPS390West Pender Place1477 Pender StreetVancouver BC5154TRIBE MANAGEMENT
LMS4174West Pointe5629 Dunbar StreetVancouver BC432COLYVAN PACIFIC
LMS958West Tenth Court4688 10th AvenueVancouver BC4ASCENT
VAS236West Wind2255 8th AvenueVancouver BC339Wynford Group
EPS10050West Wind5380 Crooked Branch RoadVancouver BC18234DORSET REALTY GROUP
EPP88981West Wind At Lelem By Polygon5380 Crooked Branch RoadVancouver BC18234Dorset Realty Group
EPPBB9BLWest Wind At Lelem By Polygon5370 Crooked Branch RoadVancouver BC234Dorset Realty Group
EPSL00S0West Wind At Lelem By Polygon2728 Acadia RoadVancouver BC234Dorset Realty Group
8PS10050West Wind At Lelem By Polygon5370 Crooked Branch RoadVancouver BC234DORSET REALTY GROUP
EPSLOOSOWest Wind At Lelem By Polygon5370 Crooked Branch RoadVancouver BC234Dorset Realty Group
VAS1659Westbriar1399 Barclay StreetVancouver BC3URBAN PROPERTIES LTD.
EPS6747Westbury2789 Alamein AvenueVancouver BC8
BCS843Westchester6371 Larkin DriveVancouver BC328ASSOCIA
BCS1469Westcott Commons2388 Western ParkwayVancouver BC472Stratawest Management Ltd.
VAS767Westender One1631 Comox StreetVancouver BC20Associa
VAP2602Westgate4691 10th AvenueVancouver BC1038Tribe Property Management
17425)Westgate4691 10th AvenueVancouver BC1038Tribe
VAS1405Westgate Landing1106 Pacific StreetVancouver BC546Bayside Property Services
VAS2036Westgate Laurel876 14th AvenueVancouver BC432BAYSIDE PROPERTY SERVICES
LMS2700Westhaven962 16th AvenueVancouver BC340ASSOCIA
BCS4232Weston Walk6336 Ash StreetVancouver BC3ASSOCIA BC INC
LMS1238Westpark Place1928 Nelson StreetVancouver BC4FirstService Residential
VR2124Westpoint Terrace1263 Barclay StreetVancouver BC744Associa BC
VAS2124Westpoint Terrace1263 Barclay StreetVancouver BC744Associa BC
VR2781Westpointe3280 BroadwayVancouver BC478Associa
VAS2781Westpointe3250 BroadwayVancouver BC4Associa BC Inc
VAS1387Westpointe Villa2211 5th AvenueVancouver BC335Bayside Property Services
VAS284Westvale2480 3rd AvenueVancouver BC317R JANG & ASSOCIATES
VAS1934Westview Place1166 11th AvenueVancouver BC1037Bayside Property Management
VAS1646Westwind1206 14th AvenueVancouver BC47Fort Park Real Estate
VAS955Willow Arbor744 7th AvenueVancouver BC3Red Door Management
VAS938Willow Mews811 7th AvenueVancouver BC3COLYVAN PACIFIC MANAGEMENT
LMS485Willow Springs838 16th AvenueVancouver BC444BAYSIDE PROPERTY SERVICES LTD
EPP124670Willow Walk788 39th AvenueVancouver BC320
VAS1489Windgate2256 7th AvenueVancouver BC422ASCENT REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT
VR1587Windgate At Choklit Park1100 7th AvenueVancouver BCS.D. Woodman Ltd.
VAS1587Windgate At Choklit Park1100 7th AvenueVancouver BC31S.D. WOOMAN LTD.
VR1705Windgate Beachside1925 W 2nd AvenueVancouver BC26Dwell Property Management
VAS1913Windgate By The Park1924 Comox StreetVancouver BC4Pacific Quorum
LMS864Windgate Encore1333 7th AvenueVancouver BC435Colyvan Pacific Property MGMT
VAS2465Windsor Gardens966 14th AvenueVancouver BC19Red Door Management
EPS3667Winona Park352 62nd AvenueVancouver BC1919R. Jang & Associated Ltd.
LMS4482Winslow Common2338 Western ParkwayVancouver BC464FirstService Residential
VAS663Wintergreen Place444 49th AvenueVancouver BC
EPS6469Woodstock At Oakridge152 Woodstock AvenueVancouver BC415Associa BC
BCS3528Woodwards128 Cordova StreetVancouver BC43366AWM Alliance
BCS3625Woodwards108 Cordova StreetVancouver BC32Tribe
LMS2731Wsix South Granville Lofts1529 6th AvenueVancouver BC5Candid Management Group
LMS2962Wyndham Hall5683 Hampton PlaceVancouver BC4Stratawest
LMS3900Xl-Lofts428 8th AvenueVancouver BC7Tribe Management Inc
LMS1809Yacht Harbour Pointe1600 Hornby StreetVancouver BC1058Associa
BCS2103Yaletown Park928 Homer StreetVancouver BC30FirstService Residential
BCS2143Yaletown Park 3977 Mainland StreetVancouver BC30880AWM Alliance Real Estate Group
VAS1055Yewbrook Place7353 Yew StreetVancouver BC13Fort Park Mangement
EPP120191York5381 Willow StreetVancouver BC29
VR647York Avenue2458 York AvenueVancouver BC3Royal LePage Westside
VAS647York Avenue2458 York AvenueVancouver BC3RLP WESTSIDE
VAS564York Gardens2125 York AvenueVancouver BC335ASSOCIA
VR564York Gardens2125 York AvenueVancouver BC335ASSOCIA BRITISH COLUMBIA
VAS219York West2475 York AvenueVancouver BC433ASCENT
VAS74Yorkdale Villa2335 York AvenueVancouver BC323Associa
VAS1755Yorkville Mews1848 1st AvenueVancouver BC38Dorset Realty
LMS2154Yorkville South1688 Cypress StreetVancouver BC561Associa BC
EPS807Yu5955 Birney AvenueVancouver BC6106Korecki Real Estate Services
EPS7694Yukon Residence484 59th AvenueVancouver BC4CITYBASE
LMS4341Zydeco2768 Cranberry DriveVancouver BC470FSR
LMS27163025 7th AvenueVancouver BC33Self Managed
EPS102978182 Cartier StreetVancouver BC22Self Managed
BCS8348412 Fremlin StreetVancouver BC
LMS15531950 Cypress StreetVancouver BC5604 Real Estate Services
VAS8591005 7th AvenueVancouver BC416Associa
VAP43913841 27th AvenueVancouver BC32
VAS12062433 6th AvenueVancouver BC24
VAP32514417 16th AvenueVancouver BC
VAS17188363 Fremlin StreetVancouver BC21
BCS34522547 1st AvenueVancouver BC43Self managed
VAP25922736 13th AvenueVancouver BC32
VAS22191398 Matthews AvenueVancouver BCUrban Properties
VAS16022756 Point Grey RoadVancouver BC32
VAS6191789 Davie StreetVancouver BC
EPS77227893 French StreetVancouver BC
BCS7953603 8th AvenueVancouver BC3
LMS40603028 41st AvenueVancouver BC317Colyvan Pacific Property Mgmt
VAS26292448 6th AvenueVancouver BC2
BCS16168436 Osler StreetVancouver BC
LMS41431654 10th AvenueVancouver BC34Self Managed
VR10421835 12 AvenueVancouver BC3Self Managed
EPS44751066 16th AvenueVancouver BC
EPS10022709 69th AvenueVancouver BC
EPP824167609 Yukon StreetVancouver BC4
VAS13751992 Mcnicoll AvenueVancouver BC43Self Managed
VAP57703165 14th AvenueVancouver BC2
BCS39991419 Walnut StreetVancouver BC32
VAS26642133 14th AvenueVancouver BC2SELF MANAGED
VAS25343389 2nd AvenueVancouver BC32
EPP1237888088 Laurel StreetVancouver BC42
LMS90336 13th AvenueVancouver BC4Self Managed
VAS17773352 6th AvenueVancouver BC
BCS38551957 12th AvenueVancouver BC24Self Management
EPS2462315 16th AvenueVancouver BC3Self Managed
EPP791122423 5th Avenue AvenueVancouver BC3
BCS44298458 Osler StreetVancouver BC2
VAP1530231 15th AvenueVancouver BC3
VAS3631260 10th AvenueVancouver BC323C & C Property Group
VR989575 13th AvenueVancouver BCAtira
VAS15488445 Laurel StreetVancouver BCSelf Managed
VAS10853322 7th AvenueVancouver BC2
VAP2399737 68th AvenueVancouver BC
VAS14592614 5th AvenueVancouver BC32
VR24452428 1st AvenueVancouver BC
VAS8142807 Alder StreetVancouver BC6Self Managed
VAS2102103 14th AvenueVancouver BC22Non Conforming Strata
VAS21291530 Avery AvenueVancouver BC34Self Managed
VR12191732 Cypress StreetVancouver BC16Associa
LMS40662122 Larch StreetVancouver BC34SELF MANAGED
VR23751311 Beach AvenueVancouver BC2366
LMS39556268 Ash StreetVancouver BC604 property management
VAP37205937 Holland StreetVancouver BC1
EPS9333651 5th AvenueVancouver BC
BCS32788522 Shaughnessy StreetVancouver BC
VR7101401 Laburnum StreetVancouver BC3
VAP60233336 14th AvenueVancouver BC
VAS848421 15th AvenueVancouver BC2
EPS1017126 12th AvenueVancouver BC
VAP1308730 17 AvenueVancouver BC2
LMS44394542 10th AvenueVancouver BC
LMS3813158 14th AvenueVancouver BC4
LMS11202871 16th AvenueVancouver BC2
EPS12842048 Whyte AvenueVancouver BC2
VAS11452209 Alder StreetVancouver BC0Rob Severyn
VAS19712355 8th AvenueVancouver BC3Self Managed Strata
EPS22822623 1st AvenueVancouver BC3
EPP504898888 Osler StreetVancouver BC676WestCoast Property Management
VAS10732223 15th AvenueVancouver BC37Self Managed
VAS1346370 Carrall StreetVancouver BC421Atira Property Management
EPS52631101 7th AvenueVancouver BC4Colyvan Pacific
VAS2138838 14th AvenueVancouver BCSelf Managed
LMS482535 6th AvenueVancouver BCSelf Managed
LMS43578377 Oak StreetVancouver BC
VAP43103830 23rd AvenueVancouver BC32
EPS94991958 42nd AvenueVancouver BC
LMS41603545 8th AvenueVancouver BCSelf managed
EPS29871982 11th AvenueVancouver BCSelf Managed
VR11741946 Mcnicoll AvenueVancouver BC32
BCS37752518 8th AvenueVancouver BC4Self managed
VAS11072718 Alberta StreetVancouver BC5SELF MANAGED
VAS1618141 13th AvenueVancouver BC4SELF MANAGED
VAS28738439 Shaughnessy StreetVancouver BC2
EPS9078769 53rd AvenueVancouver BC
BCS24902312 5th AvenueVancouver BC3Self Managed
VAS25161575 12th AvenueVancouver BC47Self Managed
VR22531988 Maple StreetVancouver BC418Century 21 Prudential Estate
EPS64462522 3rd AvenueVancouver BC33Self Managed/Non Conforming
VAS9321040 7th AvenueVancouver BC310R Jang & Assoc
EPS46092513 8th AvenueVancouver BC4Self Managed
VAS2892427 Point Grey RoadVancouver BC8SELF MANAGED
EPS14712566 York AvenueVancouver BC3SELF
LMS39131433 Maple StreetVancouver BC33Self Managed
EPP684185410 ShortcutVancouver BC
VAS2291130 13th AvenueVancouver BC5Self Managed
VAS18163024 3rd AvenueVancouver BC3Self Managed
VAS881155 11th AvenueVancouver BC315
LMS9941410 Bute StreetVancouver BC65Self Managed
EPP294846138 Birney AvenueVancouver BC16231Rancho Management Services
VAP45183377 23rd AvenueVancouver BC
LMS45202736 16th AvenueVancouver BC
EPP1215715020 Ash StreetVancouver BC4124
VAS1655733 16th AvenueVancouver BCSELF MANAGED
39442453 10th AvenueVancouver BC32Self Managed
LMS43773424 7th AvenueVancouver BC
VAS17853115 Alberta StreetVancouver BC5Self- Managed
VAS14611707 Yew StreetVancouver BC34Self Managed
VAP42404215 13th AvenueVancouver BC
VAS9861834 Mcnicoll AvenueVancouver BCNON CONFORMING STRATA
VAS6672195 40th AvenueVancouver BC9Vancouver Management
VAS19263604 5th AvenueVancouver BC2Self Managed
37205937 Holland StreetVancouver BC2
VAS15911545 13th AvenueVancouver BC315Self Managed
EPS93166576 Yew StreetVancouver BC
LMS23562045 Dunbar StreetVancouver BC6
VAP39442453 10th AvenueVancouver BC32Self Managed
BCS16672420 6th AvenueVancouver BC33Self Managed
EPS108963151 10th AvenueVancouver BC
VR15013476 7th AvenueVancouver BC32
VAS5391304 Maple StreetVancouver BC
LMS13601813 Macdonald StreetVancouver BC4SELF MANAGED
VAS849435 15th AvenueVancouver BC
VR16041940 14th AvenueVancouver BC22self managed
VAS15075885 Yew StreetVancouver BC1110CROSSROADS
EPS30955516 Oak StreetVancouver BCDorset Realty Group
EPS99303321 37th AvenueVancouver BC22Self Managed
LMS39152311 8th AvenueVancouver BCSelf Managed
138723336 12th AvenueVancouver BC2
VAS8823297 8th AvenueVancouver BC22
VAS19273612 5th AvenueVancouver BC2
LMS19513643 8th AvenueVancouver BC32
EPP1035274411 4 AvenueVancouver BC6TBD
EPS108971635 63rd AvenueVancouver BC2
BCS43432246 8th AvenueVancouver BCSelf Managed
LMS29028549 Selkirk StreetVancouver BC
BCS472834 Vine StreetVancouver BC
LMS12412354 7th AvenueVancouver BC32Self Managed / non-conforming
EPS97843377 23rd AvenueVancouver BC
VAS26562626 2nd AvenueVancouver BC22
BCS3064669 71st AvenueVancouver BC
VAS7801160 Burrard StreetVancouver BCSelf Managed
VR26362016 14th AvenueVancouver BC22
VR12011557 Larch StreetVancouver BC6Self Managed
LMS113458 Point Grey RoadVancouver BC
VR266215801576 Angus DriveVancouver BC
EPS93043513 Mayfair AvenueVancouver BC2Self Managed
VAS12491977 Stephens StreetVancouver BC320Citybase Management Ltd.
BCS191421 15th AvenueVancouver BC34Self managed
VR6991847 14 AvenueVancouver BC22Self
LMS6052815 Yew StreetVancouver BC4Strata West
VAS11992391 Cypress StreetVancouver BC5SELF
BCS17753530 5th AvenueVancouver BC6
EPS10314737 68th AvenueVancouver BC
VR19178363 Laurel StreetVancouver BC
VAS23188291 French StreetVancouver BC27Solution Property Mgmt
VR13701065 8th AvenueVancouver BCSelf Managed
BCS23402345 8th AvenueVancouver BC
VAP5603004 14th AvenueVancouver BC2
BCS29052457 5th AvenueVancouver BC34
VAS11581945 15th AvenueVancouver BC35Self managed
BCS35591837 13th AvenueVancouver BC22Non conforming Strata
EPS90181523 60th AvenueVancouver BC2
EPS1011435818 Alma StreetVancouver BC22self
VR7801160 Burrard StreetVancouver BCSelf Managed(Call Kris Barski)
LMS29801818 Stephens StreetVancouver BC32
VR16532356 6th AvenueVancouver BC3SELF
VAS12242466 3rd AvenueVancouver BC315Self Managed
BCS1152132 10th AvenueVancouver BC4SELF MANAGED
VAS20912996 W 3rd AvenueVancouver BC3SELF
VAS7831476 10th AvenueVancouver BC430DWELL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
VR372638 Hemlock StreetVancouver BC6Self Managed
LMS44093088 Vine StreetVancouver BC2Self Managed
LMS30313093 Burrard StreetVancouver BC34Self Managed Strata
LMS20603349 Dunbar StreetVancouver BC5SELF MANAGED
VAS20953089 Cypress StreetVancouver BC34Self Managed
EPS97313430 Kent Avenue SouthVancouver BC268AWM Alliance
VAS25613463 8th AvenueVancouver BC2Non Conforming Strata self mgt
VAS5353092 Alberta StreetVancouver BC2Self Managed
VAS21522308 Vine StreetVancouver BCSELF MANAGED
VR241480 Arbutus StreetVancouver BC4Self Managed Complex
39871585 65th AvenueVancouver BC2
VAS13982310 Trafalgar StreetVancouver BC33Self Managed
EPS95573850 13th AvenueVancouver BC2Self Managed
EPS78202706 2nd AvenueVancouver BC3
LMS43971972 12th AvenueVancouver BCSelf managed
VAS28531445 70th AvenueVancouver BC3Sterling Management Services
VAS11273250 4th AvenueVancouver BC4Ascent Managment
LMS2513099 3rd AvenueVancouver BCSelf Managed
VR18163024 3 AvenueVancouver BC3
BCS34598455 Fremlin StreetVancouver BC
LMS25271915 13th AvenueVancouver BC3Self Managed
LMS19075626 Larch StreetVancouver BC2Blueprint Strata Management In
LMS3777168 Oak StreetVancouver BC428Korecki Real Estate Services
LMS3837567 Hornby StreetVancouver BC13130RANCHO MANAGEMENT
VAS188448 14th AvenueVancouver BCSelf Managed
VAS6131338 Walnut StreetVancouver BC5Self Managed
VAS28691735 16 AvenueVancouver BC2
EPS97626530 Angus DriveVancouver BC
VAS1782783 15th AvenueVancouver BC313FORT PARK
EPP1276111935 Whyte AvenueVancouver BC2
VAS14791934 11th AvenueVancouver BC3Self Managed
LMS11781328 73rd AvenueVancouver BC12Citybase Management Ltd
VR14051106 Pacific StreetVancouver BC446Bayside Property Services Ltd.
VAS16402311 Alder StreetVancouver BC122
LMS44202511 1st AvenueVancouver BC3
LMS1383228 6th AvenueVancouver BC32Self managed
VAS1490239 16th AvenueVancouver BC2
EPS86647855 Ontario StreetVancouver BC32
EPS9799845 67th AvenueVancouver BC
EPS33662887 Alberta StreetVancouver BC32Self Managed
VAS20678659 Marine DriveVancouver BC36Self Managed
VR342033 7th AvenueVancouver BC3Bayside property management
VR16691817 15th AvenueVancouver BC22SELF MANAGED
EPS102394687 15th AvenueVancouver BC2
VAS2035735 15th AvenueVancouver BC33All Property Consulting Inc.
EPS47322428 8th AvenueVancouver BC33
EPS57637623 Yukon StreetVancouver BC3ASSOCIA
EPS79901824 12th AvenueVancouver BC4Self Managed
EPS103263536 14th AvenueVancouver BC
LMS23582610 Point Grey RoadVancouver BC3
BCS19153254 6th AvenueVancouver BC
VAS22441071 7th AvenueVancouver BC47SELF MANAGED
BCS19988888 Selkirk StreetVancouver BC23REMAX DWELL
VAS19901350 70th AvenueVancouver BC
VR14422144 3rd AvenueVancouver BC3Self Managed
LMS195839 12 AvenueVancouver BC22Self Managed
EPS95942527 8th AvenueVancouver BC33
VAS27963682 2nd AvenueVancouver BC
EPS98844530 4th AvenueVancouver BC2Self managed
BCS29414463 10th AvenueVancouver BCWRN STRATA MANAGMENT
EPS21041979 15th AvenueVancouver BC45Self Managed
VAS13442239 1st AvenueVancouver BC
EPS88534372 13th AvenueVancouver BC32
21531315 64th AvenueVancouver BC32
VAS3762599 1st AvenueVancouver BC32Self Managed
BCS11912517 6th AvenueVancouver BC4Self Managed
BCS3112834 69th AvenueVancouver BC
VAP45761-3517 23rd AvenueVancouver BC
BCS36911708 Stephens StreetVancouver BCSelf Managed
EPP1143392727 Kingsway StreetVancouver BC10217
VR7831476 10th AvenueVancouver BC30DWELL MANAGEMENT
EPS109673772 20th AvenueVancouver BC2Self Managed
VAS22883066 3rd AvenueVancouver BC2
VAS18341820 Ogden AvenueVancouver BC4Self Managed
EPS10667231 15th AvenueVancouver BC3
EPS83198033 Ash StreetVancouver BC
VAS2140784 68th AvenueVancouver BC
VR16641835 Barclay StreetVancouver BC
EPS97352866 Waterloo StreetVancouver BC2
VAS13212977 6th AvenueVancouver BC2self
VAP31363569 Mayfair AvenueVancouver BC2Self Managed
BCS41673019 8th AvenueVancouver BC
LMS158663 13th AvenueVancouver BC
EPP699196522 Angus DriveVancouver BC
EPS84643594 38th AvenueVancouver BC2
VAS6721024 7th AvenueVancouver BC46R. Jang & Associates
LMS32242048 13th AvenueVancouver BC
VAS10211115 10th AvenueVancouver BC6
EPS30946096 Oak StreetVancouver BC312
VAS14132425 Bayswater StreetVancouver BC2
BCS18101415 Walnut StreetVancouver BC5Self Managed
BCS2650122 12th AvenueVancouver BC3
VAS18113623 2nd AvenueVancouver BC
723567 17th AvenueVancouver BC1
VAP2293536 Point Grey RoadVancouver BC43Self Managed
EPS85843458 29th AvenueVancouver BC2
VR25272026 14th AvenueVancouver BC22
LMS25212716 3rd AvenueVancouver BCSelf Managed
VAS13632062 Cypress StreetVancouver BC28Self Managed
BCS24636290 Eagles DriveVancouver BCCitybase Management Ltd
EPS94731508 61st AvenueVancouver BC7
BCS21986612 Arbutus StreetVancouver BC3Blueprint Strata Management In
EPS59902171 Maple StreetVancouver BC3SELF MANAGED
20663335 16th AvenueVancouver BC32
VAS7282345 York AvenueVancouver BC36Self Managed
EPS100263004 14th AvenueVancouver BC2
LMS42868336 Fremlin StreetVancouver BC
VAS7351805 Greer AvenueVancouver BC5Self Managed
VR10552224 Yewbrook PlaceVancouver BC
VAP33983634 29th AvenueVancouver BC
VAS27953311 2nd AvenueVancouver BC2
EPP938563590 39th AvenueVancouver BC419
EPS110673268 15th AvenueVancouver BC32
LMS01581005 Broughton StreetVancouver BC38SELF MANAGE
LMS15362825 Alder StreetVancouver BC10Urban Properties
EPP813002888 Arbutus StreetVancouver BC420
LMS793175 15th AvenueVancouver BC4Self Managed
BCS27823430 1st AvenueVancouver BC33
EPS102332850 Mackenzie StreetVancouver BCSelf Managed
VAS5571947 Creelman AvenueVancouver BC
EPS107584417 16th AvenueVancouver BC
EPS91452366 Birch StreetVancouver BC321Ascent Management
VAS25968418 French StreetVancouver BC
BCS1513233 11th AvenueVancouver BC34Self Managed
VAP69207480 Arbutus StreetVancouver BC
LMS4054355 15th AvenueVancouver BC4
VR11072718 Alberta StreetVancouver BC45Self Managed
723RELIST567 17th AvenueVancouver BC1
VAS17622255 14th AvenueVancouver BC
VAS7242410 York AvenueVancouver BC19
VR3741718 Nelson StreetVancouver BCNEW POINT PM
EPS77152753 Alma StreetVancouver BC
BCS34322504 York AvenueVancouver BC54Self Managed
BCP1877822 Seymour StreetVancouver BCRancho Management
VAS636838 7th AvenueVancouver BC6WEST COAST PROP MGMT
EPS82928032 Shaughnessy StreetVancouver BC
43673772 20th AvenueVancouver BC32Self Managed
VAS21643896 Hudson StreetVancouver BCSELF MANAGED
BCS16922005 13th AvenueVancouver BC34Self Managed
VR6351960 Creelman AvenueVancouver BC2Self Managed
EPS10392526 8th AvenueVancouver BC3SELF MANAGED
VAS23656298 Cambie StreetVancouver BC
EPS76042325 Larch StreetVancouver BC
LMS31821238 Homer StreetVancouver BC6Rancho Managment
VAS12523132 Maple StreetVancouver BC6Self managed
EPS7623988 Park DriveVancouver BC16
BCS9728491 Fremlin StreetVancouver BC
BCS6691961 Whyte AvenueVancouver BC2
BCS26441805 Blenheim StreetVancouver BC
VAS6942455 York AvenueVancouver BC317Sterling Management
LMS46871874 W 7th AvenueVancouver BC6
EPS2157555 7th AvenueVancouver BCTML Management
BCS32175922 Chancellor BoulevardVancouver BC
EPS41837328 Granville StreetVancouver BCFirstService Residential
LMS4284355 11th AvenueVancouver BC4Self managed
VAS22063257 2nd AvenueVancouver BC22Self Managed
VAS14995733 Cambie StreetVancouver BC632Condex
VAS25672683 41st AvenueVancouver BC
LMS2896136 16th AvenueVancouver BC2Self Managed
EPS93153172 26th AvenueVancouver BC2Self Managed
LMS28011811 16th AvenueVancouver BC219ColyvanPacific
EPS93052608 6th AvenueVancouver BC3
VR19612262 14th AvenueVancouver BC2
EPS95773634 29th AvenueVancouver BC
LMS39671969 15th AvenueVancouver BC14Self Managed
VAP44144687 15th AvenueVancouver BC2
EPS50142433 BroadwayVancouver BC5Fort Park Property Management
EPS74208346 Selkirk StreetVancouver BC
VAP67872050 57th AvenueVancouver BC22
58742850 Mackenzie StreetVancouver BC2Self Managed
VAS25652935 8th AvenueVancouver BC
EPS94472373 7th AvenueVancouver BC
BCS2382478 5th AvenueVancouver BC33
VAS10145730 Carnarvon StreetVancouver BC38Self Managed
1530356 15th AvenueVancouver BC24Self Managed
EPS94363336 12th AvenueVancouver BC
VR3611435 Nelson StreetVancouver BC455
VAP23224530 4th AvenueVancouver BC2Self Managed
VR19758492 French StreetVancouver BC
EPP109127828 Cambie StreetVancouver BC30187
EPS14992783 8th AvenueVancouver BC32
VR9411278 7th AvenueVancouver BC13Red Door Management
LMS41841725 Balsam StreetVancouver BC47Self Managed
LMS681755 15th AvenueVancouver BC39CITYBASE MANAGEMENT LTD.
VAS1743164 13th AvenueVancouver BC4Self Managed
VAS23581893 13th AvenueVancouver BC34SELF MANAGED
BCS19313171 2nd AvenueVancouver BC32Self Managed (Duplex)
LMS46933378 2nd AvenueVancouver BC2Self managed
VAS23222251 15th AvenueVancouver BC2SELF
LMS23592602 Point Grey RoadVancouver BC33Self Managed
VAS13012446 Point Grey RoadVancouver BC47
VAS1933886 Broughton StreetVancouver BC3Self Managed
LMS23572618 Point Grey RoadVancouver BC32Self Managed
VAP58742850 Mackenzie StreetVancouver BC2Self Managed
LMS32272889 Yukon StreetVancouver BC34Self Managed
BCS40792438 8th AvenueVancouver BC3Self Managed
VAS10803535 5th AvenueVancouver BC
BCS4496Vancouver BC4Self Managed
VR18771230 Haro StreetVancouver BC466C & C PROPERTY GROUP LTD.
VAS15351877 15th AvenueVancouver BC43Self Managed
EPS102622136 48th AvenueVancouver BC32
VAS2075124 10th AvenueVancouver BC3Self managed
VR9581184 6th AvenueVancouver BC4SELF MANAGED
LMS43891747 16th AvenueVancouver BC3
VAS9701736 15th AvenueVancouver BC22Self managed
EPS98668056 Haig StreetVancouver BC
45363850 13th AvenueVancouver BC32Self-Manged
VAP43673620 20th AvenueVancouver BC32
LMS11963173 Point Grey RoadVancouver BC
EPP825568398 Oak StreetVancouver BC
LMS12392991 Yukon StreetVancouver BC33Self Managed
VR18221265 11th AvenueVancouver BC420Crossroads Management
VAS7763641 29th AvenueVancouver BC33Self Management
VAS21082805 3rd AvenueVancouver BC2Self Managed
EPS22232352 8th AvenueVancouver BC4SELF MANAGED
VAS16691815 15th AvenueVancouver BC
EPS90683536 Point Grey RoadVancouver BC43Self Managed
VAS18072377 8th AvenueVancouver BC22
EPS93913554 3rd AvenueVancouver BC3
VAS4471187 7th AvenueVancouver BC220Pacific Quorum
EPS1311134 13th AvenueVancouver BC
VAS23733183 Ash StreetVancouver BC48Colyvan Urban
VR13982310 Trafalgar StreetVancouver BC33SELF MANAGED
VR5972320 West 40th AvenueVancouver BC365Korecki Real Estate Services
VAS12701296 70th AvenueVancouver BC414
VAS15772237 14th AvenueVancouver BC
BCS13251863 Wesbrook MallVancouver BC323Strata Management
VAS862275 40th AvenueVancouver BC312Citybase Management Ltd
VAS15583021 Pine StreetVancouver BC24Self managed
EPP96786814 Oak StreetVancouver BC
EPS20141308 15th AvenueVancouver BC4
VAP8023768 64 AvenueVancouver BC2
VAS14643111 6th AvenueVancouver BC2
EPS97616524 Angus DriveVancouver BC
VAS24473753 10th AvenueVancouver BC3SELF MANAGED
BCS11661701 Blenheim StreetVancouver BC32Self Managed
LMS3965147 15th AvenueVancouver BC4Self Managed
EPS1016339 15th AvenueVancouver BCSelf Managed
BCS2130977 8th AvenueVancouver BC5Self Managed
EPS94783335 16th AvenueVancouver BC2
VAP53432660 Waterloo StreetVancouver BC
EPS33752546 3rd AvenueVancouver BCSELF
VR12933577 1 AvenueVancouver BCChurchill Property Corporation
VAS15101883 12th AvenueVancouver BC4Self Managed
EPS105904423 16th AvenueVancouver BC32
LMS43281750 2nd AvenueVancouver BC410Ascent
BCS33625879 Gray AvenueVancouver BC
VAS9142083 3rd AvenueVancouver BCSELF MANAGED
LMS39222190 5th AvenueVancouver BC
EPS110422721 7th AvenueVancouver BC32Self managed
291339 22nd AvenueVancouver BC32Self Managed
LMS7923310 1st AvenueVancouver BC32Self Managed
VR8621354 Cypress StreetVancouver BC25Self Managed
EPS31413345 Collingwood StreetVancouver BC3Self Managed
DAS1613835 7th AvenueVancouver BC219R. Jang & Associates
VAS12212682 8th AvenueVancouver BC4Self Managed
EPS102632138 48th AvenueVancouver BC32
VAS14272536 Cornwall StreetVancouver BC4SELF MANAGED
BCS138166 16th AvenueVancouver BC4Self Managed
VAS4222374 Maple StreetVancouver BC5Self Managed
EPS52442585 2nd AvenueVancouver BC2
LMS28733049 Yukon StreetVancouver BC34Self Managed
BCS2291954 11th AvenueVancouver BCSelf Managed
VAS4412893 41st StreetVancouver BC19PACIFIC QUORUM
BCS10161415 11th AvenueVancouver BC15Ascent Realty Services
EPS111563165 14th AvenueVancouver BC2
EPP1093942573 3rd AvenueVancouver BC
EPS7974225 15th AvenueVancouver BC3Self Managed
LMS2778328 French StreetVancouver BC
VAS17321942 15th AvenueVancouver BC34Self Managed
BCS751279 16th AvenueVancouver BC24Self Managed
VAS21632894 16th AvenueVancouver BC
EPS103168192 Cartier StreetVancouver BC32Self Managed
VAS21032556 Highbury StreetVancouver BC210CROSSROADS MANAGEMENT
526SP2226 12th AvenueVancouver BC434Korecki Real Estate Service
EPS106463830 23rd AvenueVancouver BC32
EPS10472556 60th AvenueVancouver BC
VR21182250 3 AvenueVancouver BC440Korecki Real Estate Services
VAS23671419 Beach AvenueVancouver BC99604 Real Estate Services INC
VAS2885113 15th AvenueVancouver BC
BCS9142096 46th AvenueVancouver BC4VANCOUVER MANAGEMENT LTD.
EPS98961408 Robson StreetVancouver BCAWM Alliance Real Estate Group
LMS14231893 3rd AvenueVancouver BC36Self Managed
VAP19243353 12th AvenueVancouver BC2
EPS104233075 Courtenay StreetVancouver BC
VAP59854063 41st AvenueVancouver BC
VAS910111 10th AvenueVancouver BC321BAYSIDE PROPERTY SERVICES
VAS7441639 Stephens StreetVancouver BC32self
EPP1363513858 13th AvenueVancouver BC2Self Managed
EPS109801478 67th AvenueVancouver BC24
EPS9614768 64 AvenueVancouver BC
VAS16832229 13th AvenueVancouver BC4Self Managed
EPS71103410 43rd AvenueVancouver BC
VAS15151966 12th AvenueVancouver BC32None
LMS3200380 10th AvenueVancouver BC18Vancouver Management Ltd.
VAP46734077 18th AvenueVancouver BC32Self Managed
VR9901065 72nd AvenueVancouver BCKorecki Real Estate Services
EPS7491965 12th AvenueVancouver BC4Self managed
VAS19758490 French StreetVancouver BC2
EPP847145212 Cambie StreetVancouver BC680RANCHO MANAGEMENT SERVICES LTD
VAS15822005 15th AvenueVancouver BC4SELF MANAGED
EPP111231918 32nd AvenueVancouver BC
VAS15571575 13th AvenueVancouver BC49Self Managed
VAS22612074 Creelman AvenueVancouver BC2Self Managed
EPS66121501 60th AvenueVancouver BC5TML Management Group Ltd
VAS7451645 Stephens StreetVancouver BC32Self Managed
EPS10422727 7th AvenueVancouver BC2
EPS5103253 3rd AvenueVancouver BC
EPP406963824 50th AvenueVancouver BC2Self managed
VAP22578056 Haig StreetVancouver BC
VAP63391311 57th AvenueVancouver BC26
VAS12852180 Trafalgar StreetVancouver BC33Self Managed
LMS9153243 6th AvenueVancouver BC32Self Managed
BCS21164479 10th AvenueVancouver BC18
VAP51432750 19th AvenueVancouver BC
VR7242410 York AvenueVancouver BC19
VAS6602138 6th AvenueVancouver BC3Self Managed
EPS101435818 Alma StreetVancouver BC2self
EPS111313517 23rd AvenueVancouver BC2
VAP8324460 35th AvenueVancouver BC611
LMS2709777 69th AvenueVancouver BC22
VR2699316 11th AvenueVancouver BC44Self
57513292 24th AvenueVancouver BC32
VAS9901065 72nd AvenueVancouver BC4LAURA TYNDALL
EPS102041007 58th AvenueVancouver BC6
BCS2164281 13th AvenueVancouver BC33Self Managed
VR17162415 6th AvenueVancouver BC34SELF
VAS16121860 Sasamat StreetVancouver BC24SELF MANAGED
VAS26861068 Maple StreetVancouver BC4SELF MANAGED
VAS18788470 French StreetVancouver BC